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8:46 a.m.
Weekends Suck

Because I don't feel like typing it again, and because I'll be late for work if I do, here's the entry I typed up at LiveJournal, crossposted for your reading pleasure, though it won't be pleasureable, as it's filled with girlish whining and taking things personally and many run on sentences such as this one:


Yes, they do. Don't argue with me. When you're living my life, weekends suck more ass than you'd believe, and not in the fun way that Gabey likes so much.

...he's going to hit me for that remark, but it made me smile, so :P

Worked from 5-11. That was pretty okay. Zach and I worked with the new kid, Tony (Veronica's brother), and he was pretty fun, if just a bit quiet. But Zach and I were on weird mode, so I don't blame him. It actually wasn't a bad night overall, but I wish it hadn't gotten so cold, 'cause we didn't have the heat on. I also wish I had gotten to run in the big rain we had around 8 PM, before it got cold. That's the last warm rain of the season, probably.

Worked from 8:30-5. It was supposed to be 9-5, but we had a huge order for the AM, so I came in early to help with opening stuff. Everything was great until about 10 AM. Veronica and I chatted it up, talking Weight Watchers and whatnot (I might be paying for half of her three-month online trial whatever thing, but I'm still debating. I doubt I'll actually do it, after all the shit that went down). Then, Bill (our boss) called, and they got into a fight over a scheduling thing (Veronica wanted a day off with her boyfriend and brother, who both also work at Subway with us, but Bill wouldn't give it), and she got so mad that she declared she was putting in her two weeks. I tried to suggest compromise, since I didn't want her to quit, but neither of them were in the mood to, obviously. After Veronica talked with Robin (current worker), Mary and Katie (former workers), and Robin's mom (a good advice giver, apparently), she did decide to give her two weeks. Apparently, when you give your two weeks, it means that you get to take an hour lunch break with friends during lunch rush and leave your other two coworkers fucked in the ass in a bad way, then come in the back, do someone else's job just so you don't have to take the fuckload of customers that are coming in the store, then leave early without cashing out or saying anything to your coworkers, who have actually done nothing wrong to you. I actually wasn't aware that that was standard, but now that I am, I'm prepared for the next month or so.

I was insanely pissed off about her actions. I swore for about two minutes straight, frightening Zach to no end. Then, when Robin came in, all she had to say to us was how bad the store looked. Well, how the fuck do you expect us to be cleaning the store when we're taking customers nonstop? She also came in the store two hours early, and sat in the back, reading for school, which she bitches at other people for doing. Love the double standard, ne? When I tried to explain our situation, she proceeded to blame it on Zach, who took a much needed break when we slowed down, saying that he shouldn't have done that, and should have spent his time cleaning. *SIGHS* Of course it isn't Veronica's fault. Oh, no. She's a shining example for us all by standing up to our boss, who acted assholishly, and for fucking over her crew. Certainly. I totally understand.

Note the sarcasm.

I was supposed to meet up with Lowell, Ed, and Kyuu around 6:30 that night, but was at the point where I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry for a few hours straight, then drug myself into insensibility until I had to go into work the next day. I realize how angsty that sounds, and how stupid it is, but I don't really care. I was feeing betrayed and ignored and disliked and God knows what else by people who are usually pretty great people, for reasons that were not my fault. God. Lowell had to pretty much beg me to come out with them, and I cried most of the way from Dad's to Golf Mill. I put on a good face for most of the night, even though I didn't know exactly what we'd be doing that night, and that sort of thing irks the hell out of me. I got home around 1 AM, after two martinis and some sesame chicken, and fell right to sleep. Thank God.

Worked 9-4. Robin came in at 10, and told me that last night, she, Pat, and Ali (the latter both workers at Subway) decided that if Veronica did indeed quit, they'd be going. The string was that if Veronica quit, so would Robin, which meant that Pat would quit, because he wouldn't work without his girlfriend (Veronica) and Robin, and Ali would quit because she wouldn't work without the three of them. Then they went "Wow. Abby's stuck with Zach and Tony on night crew. *snicker snicker*", to which I replied in my head, "Gee, thanks. No, really, I love being skull fucked. Please, may I have another?"

Robin and Veronica, who came in at 4 for her close shift, told me I should just look for a new job with them, and not stick around. Then I told them that I had just made the decision not three days prior to stick with Subway for the rest of the year, since I do really need the money. They kept citing that I'd get paid better at some of the places they'd be applying at, and that I should just quit. But I'm not going to totally fuck Bill and Rita in the ass. I'll leave that to the rest of them. For me, it's not the most horrible place to work, and for now, I'd rather work someplace I'm comfortable, and not have to start the fuck over again. Robin was all like, "Are you upset?" Well, of course I'm upset. The main reason I went back to work at Subway was because of the people I'd be working with, and now they're all up and quitting? I think that's cause for a little upsetness. More tears ensued on the ride home, after telling Lowell I didn't feel like talking, and was ready to tell him to not call later that night, 'cause I probably wouldn't want to talk to him then, either. And at the time, it wasn't even a "talk to anyone" thing -- it was a talk to Lowell thing. I think I know what caused it, but I'm not going to go into it now.

So after the schedule that's already up at work, Veronica's gone. Pat's already applied to a job he's sure to get. Robin's applying at several places this week. Ali's already filled out applications some other places. So no more days off for Abby for a while.

I'll get over it. I'll get over being angsty and childish, and taking it personally when it really isn't personal. But I do feel screwed over for no good reason, and that's not going to go away anytime soon. If the angst and annoying whining got to y'all, please feel free to hunt me down and kick me in the fucking face, as I deserve it. You know where to find me.


I need to get out of town overnight or something. Any takers?

take you in :: spit you out