
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


11:12 p.m.
Meetings, Fun, and Thoughts

I think I'm going to stop looking at my stats. I check the referrers, and as of late, there have been more and more disturbing things on there. For about a week, there was a "blocked referrer" checking it out, and several times, people have searched for names of people I know IRL, and found my diary by searching for them. I can only hope that my boring writing style turned most of those people away, 'cause I can never remember whether or not I've written bad or good things about them. *sighs* It shouldn't bother me, since this is my diary and they're my feelings, but I'm just a weiner that way.

Today, I got to meet Yorkie Sarah, and I spent the day with her, Lex, Anya, and Jamie, which was a nice change. We searched out an IHOP to eat, but after we drove around Evanston for a while, thanks to my fucked up sense of direction (Abs, you don't live in Evanston anymore...quit being a pompous fuck and acting like you know how to get everywhere), but we finally ended up at our inteded destination completely unintentionally. We yakked and ate, then were going to go to the Borders back in Evanston to take pictures and just hang out. Instead, Lex found a park right on the lake, and we headed over there and talked for a few hours more. We told stories, made a phone post for LJ, and I climbed on rocks, which was muchly fun (all of it, not just the rock climbing part). I was reminded how much fun and how cute Anya is, and how amusing it is to hang out with Lex and Jamie...they play well off of each other sometimes. ^^ And, of course, getting to meet and spend time with Sarah was great...I didn't want her to go. ;-; At least we had this time, no da. I'm still smiling.

...but I can't remember the quote! *pouts* Someone tell me the quote!

Somethings they said kinda made me think, though. I have a diary here, and a journal at LJ, and I update both with some regularity (here more than there, though). While most of my friends have decided to stick with either one or the other for various reasons, I don't quite know what I want to do yet.

In all honesty, I prefer it here at D-land. I like the HTML editor stuff, I like having storage space for my images, I like some of the other little features, and I'm just used to being here.

LJ has its perks, too, though. A vast majority of my friends moved there and update there regularly, to the point where I check LJ before coming here, and spend more time reading stuff there than here (which also always makes me wonder if people who moved to LJ only read my LJ, and not my D-land thingy...though that's just a curiosity). I don't feel weird about putting pointless stuff up there, nor about posting several times a day. I like having silly things like icons, and true community journals.

I suppose I could apply just about everything I like about one place to the other, but I just don't know. I don't necessarily like this in the middle stuff, but I guess that's how it's going to be for a while. I just renewed my gold membership at D-land, anyway, so I don't want to make any decisions until that runs out. Maybe I won't make any decisions at all. I don't know. I wanted this to be a thoughtful rant, but it just ended up being me being whiny and indecisive. Ah, well. C'est la vie.

Quote for the Day will be delayed until I can remember what the hell it was. ><

take you in :: spit you out