
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


10:50 a.m.
Mostly Migraines

I've never been prone to migraines before, but over the past week or so, I've been falling prey to them like wildfire. Yesterday was particularly awful, simply because everyone I asked had no painkillers on them, and it was frustrating. I had spent the last of my monies on food (stupid Abby) so I couldn't go to the Dominicks on Fullerton to buy any, and I wasn't about to let anyone do that for me. Luckily, Sarah had alleve (sp) (I *heart* you Sar), and she saved my brain and my homework. Sure, I had spent about six hours in agony by then, but to be relieved of it was probably the highlight of my day.

Needless to say, I have migraine medicine with me today. I just took a pill right now, to be on the safe side, since I could feel a headache starting. It's probably partially because I have my hair back in pigtails, since it ended up looking weird this morning, but I know that's not the only reason.

I don't really know why those headaches are even starting. One theory might be because, though I'm getting enough sleep, it's not consistent. Mommy Kitty has been finding it fun to come into my room anywhere between 2 and 4 AM to get petted, and will not leave until that is done, and is not content until the petting has lasted about 20 minutes or so. Then, I can't get back to sleep for another fifteen minues after that, thus losing out on sleep. I've tried ignoring her, but she's started either sitting behind my head and meowing insistently, or pawing at my face (read: "clawing at my face"), making ignoring her next to impossible. *sighs* But I don't really know if that could entirely be the reason. Stress level is about the same, workload is about the same. *shrugs* Hopefully, this'll go away.

Today's just been one of those lonely days. ENG 300 got cancelled, and though I should probably be doing work to be ready for Thursday's class (trying to keep ahead this quarter, at least with my English classes), I really can't be bothered to at this moment. No one is active online, people are either in class or busy with something else, and I just feel kinda alone. It's a feeling that's been cropping up more lately, and while I know part of the reason why, I know it's not the entire reason, and I can't try to put all the blame for it on one thing. I'm going to try and get to be around people more often, but goals of that nature don't always end up the way you want them to.

Oh, well. There's always Friday. ^^

Quote for the Day: "Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for." --Dag Hammarskjold

take you in :: spit you out