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rings a-m
rings n-z


7:59 p.m.
Kare Kano Template and More

So I know it's only been, like, a month since I got the laundry template, but I felt like a change already. So I found a free custom site, and within about three days of my emailing them with the image and some other stuff, they set up my template. I'm very pleased, and impressed that they were able to get it set up so quickly. Yay! Thanks, Lauren! ^^

*dances the happy Kare Kano dance* I had been looking for a Yukari image (Yukari from Azumanga Daioh), but I couldn't find one I liked, or that seemed big enough for a central image like that. Hopefully, I'll find one I like enough to put towards another template for a few months down the road.

Kate came by campus today, as she was going to be meeting with some people to go for dinner on the north side. It was a nice little visit, at least for me, though not exactly as long as I would have liked. We're supposed to go see Hidalgo on Friday, so I guess it's time to scrounge up monies again. Hopefully, we'll hit up a matinee so I don't have to sell my body on the streets for the nine dollars it takes to get into a regular time feature. >< She looked so good, though...all put together and cool as without a thought. I am insanely jealous, as I always look like I'm trying too hard whenever I get even remotely dressed up.

I had to remotely dress up today, because it was my interview for a job in the summer tutoring program here at DePaul. I didn't think it was going to be horribly formal, like suit and tie, but I still wanted to look semi-decent. I probably looked like I was definitely trying too hard, even though all I wore was a turtleneck sweater and black pants. >< Oh, well. The interview went grandly, and that's all that matters. I think I'm going to have a very cool summer job. ^^

And now, after hour of talking on the phone and on the chat and playing online, I need to get back to my poetry paper. I'd like to go to bed sometime tonight. ><

Quote for the Day: "Foolish Arima, little do you know, the woman in front of you will be the one to ultimately send you to Hell." --Yukino, from Kare Kano

take you in :: spit you out