
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


8:12 a.m.
School School School

The schedules are FINALLY up. The sucky part is, there are NO good profs this quarter, sans Eric and Todd. I'll probably end up taking one of their classes, just to have something fun to look forward to. I'd just feel bad about missing Todd's one day for ACen, and I'd feel doubly bad about being "late" for anime club for a quarter, as Eric's class is a 3:30-5:00 MW course. We'll see what happens.

I finished Still Life With Crows last night, and I was majorly spooked out. I wasn't, like, "I can't stay in this house alone" spooked out, but spooked enough where I kept talking to the kitties and wanted to be on the phone with my mother for a lot longer than I actually was. I was very happy when Dad came home, to put it mildly.

I did most of my work for last night. I finished the History readings (even though I'm not going to class today, 'cause week six is ditch week, unofficially), and read half of the Volpone for Ren Brit Lit. I'm actually enjoying that play, despite the fact that the course itself is boring me to tears. I don't know what to read for Poetry, as the syllabus just says "paper workshop" and I wasn't in class on Tuesday. *shrugs* Everything'll get done, though.

I've gotta do my PSC stuff (both for SGAC and for class in general), write an anime club email, and pray to God my phone doesn't get shut off again. I think I'm just going to go with my original plan of paying off the phone bill now, and waiting on the tuition. If I register a week late, it won't matter so much. I'll see if Jim or someone can hold at least one English class for me, or maybe a Philosophy. I can just walk into Eric or Todd's class or something and beg to be let in on the first day, if it comes to that...which I sincerely hope it won't. ><

I've been up since 2:30 this morning. To try and get myself back to sleep, I took a tylenol PM around 3:30. It's still kicking in now. >< Probably a very good thing I'm not going to History today, 'cause Lisa would kill me for not going to class.

And now, da email.

Quote for the Day: "Hold me, whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on..." --Kingdom Hearts Theme

take you in :: spit you out