
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


1:37 p.m.
New Template Stuff and Boring Ramblings

The template's been changed, obviously. It's pretty different from what you've probably been used to seeing here, since I've been on an anime/gaming template kick. That's what I had originally been searching for, but I couldn't find one I liked, and when I did find one that might have been okay, the code went wronky on me. Hell, even this one was tedious to work with, since it's set up blogger style, and I had to work with some of the code for that. I hate changing templates, but at the same time, it's nice to have something new in here every so often. We'll see how long this one lasts, however.

Life is just so busy, as most people in my life would know. Today's been the most laid back day this week so far. I got up leisurely, went out to breakfast with Dad, and now I'm at work, playing around on the internet before I go to work organizing my folders and reading poetry. Later on, I'll go home, do some massive housework, and probably start working on a short paper I have to do for Renaissance British Lit. I don't usually start papers this early on, unless they're final papers, but in this case, I just want to get it done and over with. I hate close readings of poems. ><

By 5 PM today, there will be some updated links and such. The "me" section will be totally redone (I re-wrote the 100 things in class the other day when I was bored...much of it is similar, but some isn't), as will the "Links" section. I got rid of some links, and will be organizing them better. I'm also thinking of throwing a random survey in there as a link, to further show who I am, but I'm not sure about that yet. I'm also debating getting rid of the "Quizzes" page in general, but I wasted so much time doing those... XD We'll see.

I love sticky notes, but the one I just posted on my computer to remind me to make copies isn't sticking as properly as it should. I believe I picked up a defective one. Great. I'm writing reflections on sticky notes. I am indeed boring.

Well, I guess it's time to go be productive.

Quote for the Day: "Do you know who I am? I'm Vampire Lowell, and what I say goes. And when it goes, it goes like this: Peanut Butter Jelly! *dancing banana*" --Lowell

take you in :: spit you out