
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


2:22 a.m.
Girls Thursdays Own

I've had some pretty cool days over break.

Many of them have been spent with Lowell. He came by the house one day and just hung out with me and the kitties. It was nice, though, he kept sneezing and coughing 'cause he's allergic to them. >< We also went to Harlem (a mall) and hung out at the arcade, where I had my best DDR day to date--I passed a Heavy song! *dances to R3*

This week has been full of stuff in general. I started back at Subway, and it has been rather grand overall. I worked with Brett and Veronica, the new girl, tonight, and it was a lot of fun. I realize now how much I missed those people, and how much more tolerable that job is without Jennifer there.

Thursday has probably been my best day of break so far. I went to the Marshall Fields downtown with Sue to see Bond perform, and it was AMAZING. They are so great to see live...they have such feeling and emotion with their every movement, and just look like they're having the time of their lives, which I hope they are. Sue and I got to be fangirls together, which is something I hope we do more of.

Alex called while I was on the train to the south side, and I worked it out with here where she'd go with me to visit Kate at work, so she did. We heckled her for a bit, then set up a Chi Tung meeting time, when she was done with work. After walking around the mall a bit (with me determining that yes, Gabriel's shirt is still there) before heading to my house to hang out for a bit. Then, we drove my mom to the airport (she's in Florida right now for Hans' daughter's wedding), and Alex bullied me into going to Chi Tung with her, Sanchez, and Kate, and I'm glad she did. XD It was a fun night, I saw my junior year theology teacher (MUST remember to get her music books, as she's coming to mass on Sunday), and I laughed a lot. Maybe we should make Chi Tung our hang-out place...

I got back to the south side at around midnight, but it was all worth it. Rock on, girls' days/nights out. *dances*

And now, to do a little more laundry, pop Pirates into the VCR again, and fall asleep to the melodious voice of Captain Jack Sparrow. Remind me to call the midnight ROTK peoples, and to call Sarah, especially, to revoke an RSVP.

Quote for the Day: "Well, if you die, you know it was because you didn't eat your antidote chip." --me, to Jamie

take you in :: spit you out