
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


7:29 a.m.
Rocking Day Start

This is one of the first times in a long time that I've started a day marvelously. It's one of the greatest feelings in the world.

I didn't get in the tub before Dad, so I hope I am not stinky. But if I start to feel stinky, there's always the showers in the fitness centre or whatever. Let's take advantage of DePaul's services! XD

I got here around 6:30, signed into the chat, and was greeted warmly by Chris (who signed my guestbook nicely--thanks again, Chris), Tony, Aya, Joel, Bryce, Crystal, Casey, and Sophie and Gabriel when they arrived. That's a great feeling, too, to just have everyone say hi to you when you enter a room. That's one of the things I like best about work. If I leave and come back in, I've got at least three people saying hi to me. It's fun. :D But we chatted a bit--Crystal plays the viola, which is marvelous, 'cause the viola owns all 'cept maybe the saxamaphone--and then I ran around doing other stuff.

I've had guestbook signings and comments, my mailbox wasn't flooded, I chose Fred "Piro" Gallagher as my favourite artist (I still wub Greg Dean, though, so it's a rough decision), and I found out that I can go home if I want to, thanks to Sarah. But I can also go to the arcade tonight, 'cause we'll be getting out of anime club early tonight. Whee for DDR! :D *needs some DDR action tonight*

I've got a lot of work to do today...a couple of tutoring sessions, an editing session with Corey, catching up on Middle English (stupid Reeve's tale), anime club...but none of it will get me down. I'm going to enjoy this day. It's going to be warm, I'm going to dance and see new anime, I'm going to spend time with people...this is great.

And I still want to console game...I even bitched to Ed about it yesterday, and I never talk to Ed. o.o I offered to apartment sit for him while he went on vacation for the sole purpose of playing his PS2 and his GC while he was gone. XD I have such issues. *whores Lowell's GC and plays SC2 later on this afternoon*

And whee for pirated music in the lab at 7:30 AM. *grooves to Matsuri Japan and thinks about DDR again*

Quote for the Day: "Avi-chan likes men." --first thing Crystal sees as she enters the chat

take you in :: spit you out