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rings a-m
rings n-z


12:26 p.m.
Lazing, Working, Modding, Listening, and Gaming

So yesterday was Sweetest Day, and I've never made a big deal out of it before, nor did I make a big deal out of it this year. It was a special day in other regards, though, and the fact that I didn't get to do anything on that day rankled a bit, but I know why nothing wasn't done. That's why I didn't sit around moping all day. I just did laundry and watched movies. It was very relaxing, which is good, 'cause I have tons of homework to do tonight. Stupid translation quiz...that she didn't give us the pages to...FUCK

There's just so much work to do...I was all caught up on Wednesday, but now it's come back to be a pain in the ass again. I really just need to keep at it, not take days off at a time, especially when I offer to do tutoring this week, as well as help Corey with some typing/editing stuff, and with all this mod stuff...*sighs*

As for the mod stuff, it's been going pretty well. No one's yelled at me for closing something that shouldn't have been, and I've tried to be fair and keep things in line. I'm just going to keep things going that way, and see what happens. *crosses fingers*

I'm listening to the Initial D movie soundtrack...who would have thought? It's actually kind of fun music. I just wish I could hear it more often when Lowell plays version 2. All I can ever hear is people yelling and the cars. *sighs* I want to go arcading for an hour or so today. Not like I have the time to, but I want to. I haven't been in some time, and it just feels weird or something. I don't know.

I just want to game. DDR would be great, but I really want to console game. I'd like to go through FFX again. I'd like to train more in GGX2 or SC2. I'd like to just play Dark Cloud or Windwaker or dot Hack or Jak and Daxter or damnation, anything! I've just been itching! I'd really like to go back and do some old school Zeldaing...A Link to the Past, perhaps. Then some Ocarina of Time, and then finally play Windwaker, seeing as I still haven't done so. *sighs* I'm being so silly right now.

Time to go get something to drink.

Quote for the Day: "Imagination disposes of everything; it creates beauty, justice, and happiness, which is everything in this world." --Blaise Pascal

take you in :: spit you out