
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


12:06 p.m.
Muchly Dreamage

Several of those lyrics were kind of off from Friday. Go me. ><

Major concerns of the day are dreams and my back. We'll start with the latter, as it is the more boring.

Since about Thursday, my lower back has been giving me grief. It hurts to walk up stairs, and it hurts to sit certain ways (the way I'm sitting now, thankfully, is nice). I have no real idea what could have caused it. I thought that it might be PMS related, since I'm a few days late, per usual, but it wouldn't have lasted this long. I rarely get these sort of pains, and I don't know if the last time I got them is related to this time, but I highly doubt it, since once again, it didn't last this long. Mom said to keep an eye on it, as it were, since it might be kidney related. Let's hope it's not. *starts praying for a lack of hospital visits*

Now, for the dreams. Maybe it's the wine I've been consuming lately, or maybe it's nothing at all, but my dreams have been much more frequent and much more vivid as of late. Last night housed several, and I hope I can remember them, because they were very interesting and weird.

The first bit of one involves my brother and several other men getting arrested, and me not being told how much his bail was. He was taken off, and soon after that, a train went through an intersection where the gates weren't down, and several cars got hit. After personal experiences of that nature, I forced myself to wake up, so that I wouldn't have to relive things. Lord knows if I would have, but I wasn't about to risk it.

The next bit involved me waking up in a brown-tinted representation of my room and looking out the door into my kitchen to see Carl of all people enter through the back door. He came into my room and we snuggled and stuff, and then, all of a sudden, LS Jess (I knew it was her even though I've never really seen her before...I don't even know how I knew it was her) enters with bags and things, ready to spend some time there. She housed herself in the living room--which wasn't my real living room, but an idealized kind of ocean-y one, with yellowed sunlight filling the room and wind blowing in--and was sitting on the couch, wrapped in blankets, talking to some guy I didn't know. Carl hadn't talked to her, and she hadn't talked to him, but I told her that she could stay as long as she wanted, and I'd be in and out. Carl and I left, and I don't remember what we did after that, but it all seemed so real, despite the sepia tones and yellow and orange sunlight. Very weird.

I know there were other dreams, one with some of the girls (Lex, Kate, EBG Jess, and Sar), but I don't remember that one so much. Curses. ><

Today is going to be muchly boring. Work, reading, dinner, reading, wash hair, phone bed. Blah on me. I just need to decide whether I want to be sexay for tomorrow's anime club meeting, or comfy. We'll see how I feel come the morrow, I suppose.

Quote for the Day: "Avi's right." --Carl :)

take you in :: spit you out