
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


7:29 a.m.
Accomplishments and Lack Thereof

Can I say that I feel like something has been accomplished? I hope so, because I'm going to. Something has indeed been accomplished.

The last time I was in this building (the Student Center at DePaul) was about twelve hours ago, give or take a few hours, and I was having a really great and rewarding time. We had our first anime club meeting of the new year, and our ranks have officially doubled. The old crowd was there--me, Lowell, Bill, Sue, Corey, Laura--but other people had decided to join us as well. Someone Lowell had told about the club had brought a friend; Kenny (who didn't show up) told his roommate who did show up; Nicole, one of Sue's friends finally joined us; and one kid just happened to be walking by and decided hey, this is my kind of place (thanks again, Rob, for the ice cream). We got things accomplished, we have goals, and ideas were discussed and agreed upon. I got my contact info (NO ONE was leaving this building until I got it, believe me), and got to address all the issues I as secretary kinda sorta have to address. Everything was just seeming to click last night, and it looks like everyone's going to pull together to make things fly. God, I feel so good.

But just because things got accomplished with anime club doesn't mean I can let everything else slide. I only got one part of my homework done last night, and that's something I'm less proud of. Sure, I was tired--I only slept two hours the night before--but I know I could have finished The Way of the World before my phone started to ring. I'm probably just going to be out of it for the majority of the day, but I know in my head I'll be cursing myself for my laziness.

Time to check the chat to see if anyone's noticed that I'm dancing naked yet...nope, just kano's file server, and it doesn't care. Mornings are funny that way.

Thanks to Carl and Lowell, by the by. Putting up with me on a no sleep day is really a feat.

All and all, despite some worry on certain fronts, I'm feeling pretty good about the way things are going. Definite improvement in the second going into third week of my seventh quarter at DePaul. Now, to do some readings on Puritan sexuality.

Now there's some funny mental images.

Quote for the Day: "I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist...and I realize everything about life sucks." --Nick M., courtesy of Alex

take you in :: spit you out