
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


9:37 a.m.
'Splanation of Avi's Disappearance

Two weeks? O.O SO much to catch up on. It took me nigh on half an hour just to check my mail, for God's sake, and let's not start on LJs and diaries...I had to skip some, per usual, and I feel like a major jerk for doing so. *kicks self*

As to why I disappeared, well...mostly just being too busy to drive to a campus to play on a computer. I had a lot of good intentions, but fat lot of good that did me, no da. ><

I've spent a lot of time at Subway, since yesterday was my last day there. People were acting like I was never coming back--Sandra got me a going away present, and we all went bowling on Sunday as a "bon voyage" as Lauren put it. I appreciate it, peoples, but I will be back! It might just be to visit and pick up money (I have two paychecks coming my way), but I'll still be back, no da. I just wish my last night hadn't been so icky. Hannah just kept telling me to hang out, be lazy, enjoy my last night. Jennifer, however, did not agree with those sentiments. Yet, I know that on her last day, whenever that comes, she will be sitting in the back, smoking, and only coming to the front to ring up customers. She pretty much made that clear last night. I wish I knew why she always felt the need to intimidate me and make me feel like crap. *sighs*

This past weekend itself was really busy, 'cause I moved into my Dad's place (if I didn't send you the address and you want it, guestbook me and I'll send it over), and because Carl was in to visit! I'd been looking forward to seeing Carl again since Acen, and after two cancelled trips to MN, he got himself a bus ticket and came down here. We worked a little on the book, did a LOT of just hanging out and talking, and I got to play a bit of Soul Calibur 2, since I couldn't afford to buy it myself. My new character is Talim. I will be the Talim master if I can ever get out of my button mashing phase. >< But the weekend was really nice. Kyuu and Carl helped me move after spending the night in my loud house (the boy had a party, since he moved on Saturday, too), and I'm surprised Mom didn't lecture me the next AM about having two boys sleep in my room. o.o But the move went relatively smoothly, even though I'm still not officially done moving in. I felt bad a whole bunch of times, 'cause I was feeling lazy, and I always felt like I was boring to Carl and Kyuu, and that I was bothering Lowell by asking him to do stuff with us, but as I keep getting told, it was okay, so, yeah. My dad creeped both Carl and Kyuu out, but that's what he does. After Carl went home, things just felt weird. I hate being alone in that tiny room. *sighs*

Speaking of my Dad, he's being very stressful lately. He wasn't feeling well Tuesday night, had a fever and stomach pains, and couldn't sleep. So he thought it'd be really fun to go to the emergency room and not tell me. Well, he did tell me...he left a note on the kitchen table. When I got to the hospital, he said he hadn't wanted to wake me, since I've been averaging 3 hours of sleep a night, but when I told him I woke up half an hour after he went to the hospital anyway, he got a bit sheepish. He was bleeding internally, and had to have a transfusion, and will be going back to the hospital next week for some testing. *gets worried, per usual Abby fashion*

Let's see, what else has gone on...lots of arcade trips with the guys. I finally got to see Ed's place, which was great. I plan to steal his bed. :D I spent a nice night with Sanchez, Alex, Amy, and Sue, eating for the first time at Chi Tung (the only one using chopsticks, as far as I remember) and introducing Sue to DDR. Speaking of, some guy says I'm ready for heavy songs, since I can do most 6-foot songs almost perfect. Mayhaps I'll try some harder songs on standard first, though. But whatever. I've had coffee with Sarah and Diane (not at the same time), talked on the phone with Kate (BNL IN OCTOBER!!!), brooded with Alex, and wished school would start soon. I've also gone through great amounts of emotional turmoil, which is not unusal.

But let's just say that, busy though things have been, I've been doing rather well for myself. I started improving my physical self--I cut my hair for the first time in six years! It's short-ish and red with blonde highlights, and really pretty. Still need to show it off to the girls, no da. Go Abby, whoo, for being more full of yourself. >< But other than that, whee. Go me. It's been a good past few weeks, more or less.

Constant internet time returns on September 10. Thank God.

..and just for the record, Abby, the SC2 newbie, the button masher, beat Lowell seven times in a row as Talim in SC2, and even beat him when he was his specialty character, Kilik. XD I feel so good about myself right now. :D

Quote for the Day: "Another postcard with chimpanzees, and everyone is addressed to me..." --"Another Postcard", BNL

take you in :: spit you out