
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


1:36 p.m.
Social Interaction

So I've been online for about two hours now, and have done little but chat. I miss this, somewhat. The A4 crowd are good people, and chatting over AIM with Gabriel and Joe is something I've missed a lot. I wish the girls were online, but that's okay. I'll survive.

At the same time, however, I remember how much it hurt to be in the chat sometimes. I would go in and float, sure, but some conversations would just drive me up the wall, and I'd nearly burst into tears. I'm far too emotional a person, I know, but that's what would happen. I hated it, but I never left. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Tonight, I'm going out to dinner with some people from the lab to say bye to Amy Andrews, since she's going back to Pennsylvania next week or so. It should be interesting...everyone's bringing a friend or a boyfriend/girlfriend except for me. I guess I'll just have to suck it up and not talk too much. I always talk too much when I get nervous and on edge. I actually am wishing it would get here faster...I'm eating at a restaurant on Michigan Avenue! That's definitely a treat for me.

Tuesday is going to be so fun. :D Alex, Anya, Amy, and I are going out to see PotC, and have dinner, and go malling. I really can't wait. I love the girls' nights out, no matter what girls I'm with. Lately, it's been a lot of guys' nights out with Abby tagging along. That's what next Saturday will be with the Initial D tourney (me, Lowell, Ed, Kyuu, and maybe some others, but no other females), so I'll take all the girls' nights out that I can. We need to have one more before Kate goes back to school. How about going back to the Uno's tradition?

I really need to get this site organized...I need to link up some reviews, double check my links page (there's a few more buttons I'd like to add), and start revamping the cast page. Soon, I'll have a new layout, courtesy of Lexi and Kate, and there'll be more Edward action. :D Avi's Diary Thingy will be ready for a new school year, just as she hopefully will be soon enough. Soon.

And get some lunch. Mayhaps I'll do that now.

Quote for the Day: "Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting." --John Russell

take you in :: spit you out