
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


1:00 p.m.
Blind Lexi Experiences

I am heartily amused. XD

So Alex went to have her pupils dialated today (or is that dilated? I'm not sure). Anyway, I have no idea why one gets this done, but I was invited along for the ride as well as to be the driver home, since one isn't really supposed to drive after such a procedure. Well, it's all been very amusing. I keep forgetting she can't see very well, so I keep pointing out stuff (like people at the mall and other such nonsense) and she keeps going, "What? What thing?" and so forth. Plus, her pupils are so huge, she looks like an anime character. We need a manga-ka in here, stat! Draw us some Lexi pics! She fits perfectly!

Going out into the sun was fabulous as well. She started screaming bloody murder, like someone was attacking her feet or something, 'cause the sun was too bright. She wore sunglasses the whole way home, and there are currently no lights on (well, I lie, there's one on, but it's dim) and I'm surprised the blinds on the back door thingy haven't been shut yet. XD

I'm here for a little bit before having to go and do responsibility things, like laundry and cleaning my room. I don't want to do them. It's summer! I'm supposed to be out, chillin and illin, occasionally going to work, but more or less relaxing, spending time with my friends, and recovering from a hellish school year. What's with this "responsibility" stuff? I'm so not about that right now. But I guess it has to be done. So long as Mom's not calling every hour or so asking how things are coming, it's great. That's why I don't tell her when I do responsible stuff, 'cause she nags about it.

Definitely moving to Dad's in September. Just have to talk to Mom about it. ><

I dunno what else. I have spent a lot of time on the phone this summer, amazingly enough. Yay, cell phone. XD But I'm calling Carl (and Crystal and Katrina, too, essentially) tonight, Tiffy tomorrow, Maryam sometime this week, and I talk to people around here frequently enough. Like Lowell. *sighs* (Abby, is that a dreamy sigh, or a "he's sooooo frustrating sigh? Should I give you back the keyboard before I get bonked in the head? I can't see what I'm typing. LDKFGJDLSKFHG)

No, that wasn't Alex. Oh, no. *rolls eyes*

(I'd yell at you for rolling your eyes at me, but I can't see you do it! *blinks a million times*)

Jesu Christi. ><

No, but things are going well, praise be. I am looking forward to September, but I definitely need a few more weeks of recovery at least. Thank God it's more like two months.

I need to write some letters. So do other people. *glares at Boris*

I guess that's it. Time to check me some Megatokyo. :D

1:32 PM: There's a new template here 'cause something's screwy with Kate's image hosting and, of course, I didn't backup host the images myself. *sighs* This template will be up until I get a new permanent one. Thanks, Amy!

Quote for the Day: "It's all about the linens." --Sandra, on talking about working at Bed, Bath, and Beyond

take you in :: spit you out