
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


7:13 a.m.
The Next Few Days

So I'm going to make this entry have something akin to substance (I hope), since it's the last one before the party, and before I leave.

These next three days are something I've been looking forward to for longer than I can remember. I didn't have last year's dinner party, and it was so weird. Sure, Diane's was fun, but it's not the same. How can I personally have Christmas without running around like a maniac the day of my party, cooking random pastas and fretting over where all my guests will sit? This year, the pastas change to potatoes, but the premise is still the same. And it'll be the first time I've seen some people in a while. Hell, Jen Tarka I haven't seen since we graduated, I think. Sheesh. But it should be fun, so long as we can all hold out through not only the evening, but the three hour movie(!). I don't know how I'm going to last, since I only got about four hours of sleep. I'm praying for an adrenaline rush. :D

Then, after the movie, I come home, make sure I've packed everything that I need, and start getting nervous about my eight hour plane ride at four. Sad thing is, even though the plane doesn't take off until almost four thirty, I'll be leaving the house around 11 AM, just to get to O'Hare by two. Even leaving at 11 or so is cutting it close. Blah on distance. But it's my own fault for deciding to take trains to get there. *shrugs* I'm predicting nervousness for most of Wednesday, but Lord only knows how I'll actually feel. It's not like I've ever gone through a situation like this before. *crosses her fingers for a safe flight and some junk*

And then Thursday. *dreams about Thursday*

Okay, enough of this. Needless to say, these next few days are going to rock. I just have to ignore my mother, that's all. *nods with finality*

But for now, to check the boards and write some emails that I forgot to write, and get going on my day.

Oh, and before I forget again: Yay that my cards got where they were going! And you people are insane, liking my handwriting. I'm surprised you could read it. Perfect, my foot. :P And for those who haven't gotten cards yet, I'm hoping to mail the rest today, but if I don't, you'll all get a real letter after the New Year.

I love you all. I hope you have great Christmases, and that you rock out on your New Years. Hopefully, I'll get to update while in Sweden, but if I don't, I'll see you next year. :D *hugs everyone*

Quote for the Day: "It's a pretty good day, I'm looking forward to tomorrow, to have a pretty good day again..." --"Good Day", Loose

take you in :: spit you out