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100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


9:54 a.m.
"Working" in the Cold

I had written out a whole entry to go in here, but I suddenly don't feel like putting that entry in here. God, do I have issues sometimes.

So I'm doing this show as a favour to Alan. It's called "Working" by Studs Turkel (sp), and I'm running the sound board for two out of the three nights. It's a decent show. Some of the music is fun. The people, although quiet, are good actors. But the quirks are slowly outweighing the good points. I feel like I've been doing this show for three months instead of three days. I just want it to end.

First off, there's John. He's a kid I used to know doing McAuley theatre. I'll admit--I had a crush on him then. He's good looking, has a deep voice, and is generally nice--at least to me. But I've heard things about him I don't like, and I'm not about to risk even a friendship at this point because of it. I know he wants one--and maybe something more--but I really can't be dealing with it right now. He's an only child, seems to kind of be used to being a smart ass and so on, and I really can't deal with it. But we'll see. I'm getting a ride home from him tonight, we'll see what happens.

Then, there's the fact that people don't realize I'm there. I know I got into the show late. But I am there. If you have notes, director person, give them to ME, not Alan. I'm here. I'm the one running the sound board, not Alan. Oh, and bear in mind--I'm doing you a favour. I am not getting paid, I'm losing sleep and homework time over your damned show, so a little appreciation would be nice. Thanks.

The other issues I have with this show have been discussed within the two main issues.

But that's not so much of a huge deal. What's a huge deal is the fact that I'm bloody cold. My sister calls me the Ice Queen, because I'm normally never cold. Today, however, I just can't get warm. I'm wearing pants and a long sleeved red shirt, yet I'm still cold! Warm me up! :D, yeah. Done. Have a good weekend.

Quote for the Day: "I have declared today "Don't hate Lowell" day." --me

take you in :: spit you out