
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


10:00 a.m.
Survey Time

There's an entry before this. It's short and sweet and basically talks about real things. I just felt like throwing this survey that I swiped from Gabriel's journal on here. You can view his answers to the questions right here.

1. [Spell your name backwards]: Saksuadrig Ybba

2. [Where do you live?]: Chicago, IL, USA

3. [Describe yourself in 4 words]: busy, romantic, overemotinal, clueless

4. [Who is your worst enemy?]: This girl from grammar school. *shakes her fist*

5. [If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?]: A fishy. I like fishies.

6. [What is the latest you've ever stayed up]: Probably somewhere near two days.

7. [Ever been to Belgium?]: Nope. I feel sorry for Belgium. Always getting marched through by German armies...

8. [What's your favorite coin?]: Quarters with the Connecticut tail. I like the pretty tree on it.


9. [Wallet]: I don't use a wallet.

10. [Hairbrush]: Brown with black bristles.

11. [Toothbrush]: Light blue. It was red, but my mom used it to scrub the bathtub, not realizing it was mine. I still haven't told her, but I threw the brush away.

12. [Jewelry worn daily]: Gabriel's Che necklace, my silver ball choker, my class ring, my calladagh ring, and a bracelet.

13. [Pillow cover]: Right now, one's a salmon colour with blue diamonds on it, and the other is forest green.

14. [Blanket:] I have two, three come tonight. The bottom one is my orange, red, and rose Kate blanket, the middle one is the comforter I got from Jim that will have to be thrown away the next time I try to wash it, and the top one is usually a blue/green comforter. I like blankets.

15. [Coffee cup]: Translucent glass with transparent hearts thrown in. I got it from Starbucks.

16. [Sunglasses]: Blind as a bat without glasses. Maybe one of these days, I'll get prescription sunglasses.

17. [Underwear]: White, nude, or red brassieres and solid coloured undergarments, usually of the bikini variety.

18. [Shoes]: Black boots, brown sandals, or dirty white gym shoes.

WHAT/WHO (is/are)

29. [In my mouth]: Part of a cupcake.

30. [In my head]: Coldplay's "In My Place"

31. [Wishing]: That December would come faster.

32. [After this]: Go to class. I have Philosophy after work.

33. [Talking to]: Gabriel.

34. [Eating:]: Like I said, a cupcake.

35. [Do you like candles]: I love candles.

36. [Do you like hot wax]: Probably not in the way you're alluding to. Although...

37. [Do you like incense]: Sometimes. Some kinds give me headaches.

38. [Do you like the taste of blood]: Not usually.

39. [Fetishes]: None, I'd hope.

40. [If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?]: I really couldn't answer that.

41. [Person you wish you could be with right now]: Gabriel.

42. [What/Who is next to you]: A girl at a computer doing her Quantitative homework

43. [What do you want done with your body when you die]: I want a standard funeral. I want to be waked, and have a funeral in the church, and have people cry, and I want to be buried at the cemetary my grandmother is at. It's really pretty.

44. [Do you believe in love]: "All you need is love."

45. [Do you believe in soul mates]: Indeed I do. I'd have to, since I've found mine already.

46. [Do you believe in love at first sight]: I do, although I prefer falling in love over time.

47. [Do you believe in Heaven]: Kinda sorta...

48. [Do you believe in forgiveness]: Definitely, even though it can be hard sometimes.

49. [Do you believe in God]: Yep.

50. [What's something that you wish people would understand]: Not all Catholics are bad people.

51. [What's something you wish you could understand better]: Why I'm still alive.

52. [What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow]: For it to snow.

Quote for the Day: "*snirks*" --Gabriel

take you in :: spit you out