
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


10:10 a.m.
It's a Pretty Good Day...

Yesterday turned out pretty good. English was cancelled (whoo-hoo!), and I got some work done. Megan left sick from work, so we were short handed, but it all turned out pretty good in the end. The only problem was that the night went incredibly slowly. I'm still not used to closing weeknights, nor am I used to working six hours during the week.

The most interesting thing about yesterday was the realization that I attract men of Spanish descent. This kid (although he could have been my age or older) came in around ten and made an order that I took. He was being all silly and friendly and stuff, and after he left, Lauren said, "If you weren't committed, I'd say go for him." He had been hitting on me. I'm not used to that, really. I hadn't even noticed. I was kind of flattered, but other than that, it was like, "Meh." I guess I'm just too happy with things right now to even care about stuff like that very much. I don't know.

And I was all set to go and fail my history midterm, when BAM! I whizzed through the thang. If I didn't get an A, I'll be very surprised. Woot! :D

Diane is clacking an entry out next to me, and I suggest you read it, even if only to see her adorable layout. The one she did for Brittany is just as cute. Go visit! They're good reads, too.

Oh, and Kate,, watch your mailbox later on this week. Something I forgot to give you on Saturday is in there.

wastaz is now a mod at A4!. Whoo-hoo for him! If you read this, dear, I say yay for you once again. Lowell actually said he read this, which means people actually click the link to this stupid thing at A4. Whoda thunk it, hmm?

Sam rocks my world. She reviewd me, and I got a 95! Didn't see that one coming, to be sure. Be sure to visit Ethereal Reviews, where Sam, Amy, and Brenda are the reviewers! :D

I'll be playing with the layout today, throwing links and whatnot up there. Should be fun, at least on my end. Off I go!

Quote for the Day: "We are shining so as to protect everything. 'Star of Love'". --"Star", Fushigi Yuugi 2nd OAV

take you in :: spit you out