
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


6:31 a.m.
Complainings, Mostly

I'll probably add to this later in the day. Right now, I just feel the need.

My body is revolting against me. My left knee keeps getting these horrible stabbing pains, my top left molar is giving me grief, and my stomach has politely told me to go to hell. I couldn't sleep last night, partly from the fact I was waiting for laundry, partly from the fact I was reading, but mostly because my brain wouldn't shut up. And the seasonal cough is back. Yay.

This girl came into the alcove where I spend my early mornings at the computer, sounding like she had been/was crying. She just left, and I'm kind of concerned. Was she really crying, or was it just the cold that seems to be going around the Chicago area? *wonders*

I have an art history midterm tomorrow. I might pass it. I have a study guide, and I plan to go over it during my first hour and a half of work, when I'm less likely to be disturbed. I was going to go to Alex's and have her help me study a bit while just hanging out, but my mother keeps having fits about the car. I try to do things to make it so she has the car as often as possible, but when I say stuff like "I'll take the bus" or "I'll walk home", she's all like, "No, don't." Yet, when I reminded her that I wouldn't be getting home until after 8:30, because I'm going to choir after I get home from picking Kate up from school, she freaked out, because she might not have a ride. Then, when I said I could skip both jobs as opposed to just one today, on the off chance I'd be able to pick her up, she didn't argue. That woman is so confusing and infurating, I could just cry. But I'm not skipping. I'm leaving at 1:30, and that's that. She can get her own damn self home.

Before I forget again, I started a diary for my fiction. There's just one story in there right now, but if you're interested just go here. More will be coming, to be sure.

I left the cell phone in the car. I should probably go remedy that soon. But for now, coffee and history. I'm going to need the former to survive the latter.

Quote for the Day: "There will be no releasing of the ph34r b0ts." --me to the A4 noontime chat crowd.

take you in :: spit you out