
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


10:35 a.m.
*sings* Last Night...It Sucked...Unless You Were Me...

Okay, so last night absolutely sucked ass if you weren't me, and were in my house.

We'll start with mi madre. She had to cook dinner--like, really cook it, not just heat it up. While it cooked, she had to put the first coat of polyurethane (sp) on my bedroom floor, which had to be hell because that stuff reeks. During all this, she was getting more and more pissed off because Sally was supposed to be home at 6:30, and by the time we finished dinner, it was about 8:00.

Which brings us to Sally. She's under a lot of pressure from McAuley (which is to be expected--McAuley is a hard school), and her friends aren't helping. They always want to do stuff, and they don't realize that it takes her longer to do homework, and she can't always spend time with them. They make her feel bad about it, so she's behind in most of her classes already because of it. She didn't want to come home last night, because coming home meant dealing with that, and demands from my mother. Finally, Mom had to go drive to the park where they were hanging out and almost literally drag her home. When they got home, Sally was lectured, and didn't feel understood by Mom, which is a very sucky thing to feel. We talked, though, and she feels a bit better.

After we heard what happened to James, however, we felt a bit less relaxed. He had been on the phone with his year and a few months girlfriend Veronica, which was not unusual. At one point, however, my mother and I heard a huge crash from his room, like something being thrown against his bedroom door. She asked what happened, I swore, but he didn't say. He brought her the phone, because she needed to call one of Sally's friends to find out where she was, and when he brought her the phone, it was plain to see he had been crying. A little bit later, when Mom left to find Sally, he came downstairs while I was doing laundry, and asked for band-aids, which we had none of. When I asked why, he revealed a hand wrapped in a towel, and he was obviously bleeding pretty bad. After Mom got back with Sally, and then with band-aids, we found out that he and Veronica had broken up. He said they were still on good terms, and it was a long time coming, but it still sucks. It sucks even more to find out he busted up his hand punching a hole in his bedroom door. That's got to be hurting him today.

At one point during the evening, Mom asked me jokingly if I wanted to explode and join the club. Surprisingly enough, I was feeling pretty good. I was slowly but surely catching up on my homework, I didn't have to go to work or choir or anywhere, and I had had a pretty decent day overall with my Gabriel, so it all balanced me out to a nice happy level. So while they all had crappy-assed evenings, mine was...well, good. So I kind of feel bad for that, but at the same time...meh.

And today is going quite well, too. Huzzah!

And now, to potty. I knew you needed to know that. :D

Quote for the Day: "Today I have learned that locusts can grow crops..." "...and Dr. Sigel is an elf." --me and Sarah, respectively, during our World History III course

take you in :: spit you out