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rings a-m
rings n-z


10:33 a.m.
Advice or Some Nonsense

Thanks yet again for all the encouragement with the fic. To V, yes, that is you. Yay for Lady V! :D And to Brenda, I am trying my damnedest to fit you in, since you're one of my dears, and a great sister, just like everyone. Talk to me, and we'll work it out. I haven't started work on the fourth section yet, but tomorrow or Wednesday should get me cracking on it, to be sure. I do have a pretty full outline on it right now, and some bathtub musings might get scenes playing better in my mind. I'm looking greatly forward to our Coundil of Mirkwood. :D

But there was something I wanted to say, and figured this is as good a place to say it as any.

Don't grow up too fast. Don't think that just because you're fourteen or sixteen or God forbid even nineteen or twenty that you have to have some monumental things behind you. You've made it this far, and done some pretty amazing things that you might not even realize you did. You have affected people's lives in ways they'll never tell you, but you just have to keep in mind that you have affected them. There are going to be rough times--there always are, you can't avoid them--but the fact that you can always get through those rough times, and get others through theirs, is an accomplishment in itself.

Just don't rush things. You still have your whole life ahead of you. And I promise, no matter what, to be with you throughout that whole life, and to be there when those monumental things happen. I've been by your side so far, and I'm not going to leave it anytime soon.

Te amo, mi vida. I hope the rest of your birthday went well. I'm glad I got to spend a little bit of it with you. I love you.

Quote for the Day: "Over the lies, you'll be strong, you'll be rich and love, and you will carry on..." --"You Won't Be Mine", matchbox 20

take you in :: spit you out