
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


10:24 a.m.
Teeth Troubles

All right, I'm going to spell it out for you. After reading this entry if any of you--I don't care if you're my soulmate, fiancee, best friend, Sister, or mere acquaintance or random reader--tell me to go to the dentist, I will cry and then get really pissed off, which doesn't happen very often. I am never, nevar going to the dentist. Nevar evar. So leave it be.

I'm done.

So I didn't take care of my teeth when I was younger. I realize that. I'm better now--I brush at least twice a day--but there are still problems that probably won't go away until either I go to the dentist (not happening) or all my teeth fall out of my head. I know the excessive cola drinking doesn't help in the slightest, but I'm going far afield. I'm kind of used to random teeth or gum pain, or even mouth pain in general, because I think I grind my teeth in my sleep, too--at least, sometimes. My jaw is pretty sore some mornings. But anyway.

This particular morning, I woke up feeling just fine. A little annoyed, because my mother woke me up because she needed a ride to the train (way to run late, Mom), but otherwise, I was good. I wasn't supposed to get up for another hour or so after I got home from driving her, so I climbed back into bed, snuggled up with the Normans under my comforter and Kate blanket, and readied myself to doze for a bit longer. I started on my side, but then rolled onto my stomach, and for some God-unknown reason, bit down hard on absolutely nothing.

I'm telling you, that was the worst sound I've ever heard in my life. One of my upper left molars has been slowly decaying away, and it is finally deciding to go, but still slowly. It was trying to give me a warning, I guess, by cracking so loudly in my mouth when I bit down. I froze, ran my tongue through my mouth, and found that I had broken the tooth. I swore, and waited for the pain to kick in.

When it didn't, I went upstairs to the bathroom to take four ibuprofin (just in case it did start to hurt), and brushed my teeth, hoping to dislodge the sucker. No such luck. Then, I figured, well, let's just yank it out. Well, it may be broken, but the bitch didn't want to come out without horrible amounts of pain, and probably blood, which would have more than likely caused me to faint from utter ickyness. I told myself not to play with it with my tongue, and just left the fucker there.

And it's still there. I ate breakfast, hoping to cause it to fall out then, because it's on the side of my mouth I tend to chew with, but alas, it did nothing except cause me discomfort, so I just quit. If it falls out, it falls out. If it decides to just hang there forever, so be it. I don't care either way.

Sorry for being disgusting.

Oh, and as soon as I type it, I'm posting section three of the fic. Afrai will be pleased, if nothing else. And this section is where the teaser with Avi and Ivy's swordfight comes into play. That's that. I hope you enjoy.

11:48 AM: Yay for new Templates! :D It's Chi-town!

Quote for the Day: "Everything is clearer is just a dream, you know, it's never ending...I'm ascending." --"Blue", from Cowboy Bebop

take you in :: spit you out