
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


12:17 a.m.
FOTR, Sleepiness, Road Trip, and Anet

I realize I updated not too long ago. But I don't really care at this point. :D

The DVD viewing party went well. To read my actual review, check the Sisterhood's diary, at the very bottom of the main entry page. I'm glad I got to see it again after such a long hiatus.

I'm falling asleep at the keyboard, which is so sad, because it's only 12:19 AM, and I usually go to bed around 2:00 AM as of late. I should just go home and go to sleep, but, per usual, some small part of me is hoping that Gabriel will wake up early (very early, seeing as it's 7:20 AM there) and come talk to me. Then, I feel bad thinking that way, because I'm at Alex's, and I always feel like we should be doing something else. Like, I don't know, I'm not fun enough or something. She's going to smack me when she reads that, but meh. I deserve a good smack every now and again.

We talked more about concerns about this road trip we're planning for next summer. I'm really looking forward to it, no matter what happens. At least a week away with my friends, some extended driving through places I've never seen, and Disney! Yes, we plan to drive from Chicago, IL, to Disney World in Orlando, FL. We're insane. But that's the ultimate goal. Gabriel, who will be here for the summer then, will get to see a good chunk of the country as we drive, and get to go to Disney World. However, seeing as I can't pay for two people to go to Disney World no matter how hard I try, if he doesn't have the money for it, we can't go. I'd like to go. I'd love to go. But seeing as he's flying here all the way from Sweden to visit for a summer, I can't hardly ditch on him or anything, and I'm certainly not going to ask him to come earlier/later/whatever so I can go. But whatever. Let's look at this optimistically, shall we?

Time to check to see if Ein updated his fan fic at Anet. It's getting more and more dramatic as time goes on.

Oh, and before I forget:

YAY ARAGORN! *swoons*

Quote for the Day: "Let's hunt some orc." --Aragorn

take you in :: spit you out