
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


10:34 p.m.
Yay, Sunday!

I'm at Alex's. She's trying to keep me hostage again, but not overtly. When I said I couldn't go home at two AM like I usually do, she got all, "No!", which certainly makes me feel loved. As did Kate giving me a calling card with many minutes on it. Guess who's getting a phone call this week. *grins*

I want to write, and I think I will, but I also want to sleep. I'm at something of an impasse. The even bigger impasse is the fact that I'm not at home, but it's cooler here, and it's with Alex, so...yeah. I'll hang out a bit longer, and call it a day.

Overall, though, it was a really good day. Call me bipolar if you will, but I don't care. I went to bed ready to cry because of Bebop (amongst other things, but it was mostly Bebop), and woke up to a phone call that absolutely made my day. Church wasn't bad, and I got to talk to Alan and Katie Kennedy, who I haven't talked to in ages. Then, I went home, played some Zelda, did some laundry (and need to do more when I get home), and left to come here. The four best friends got to hang out once again, and we had Chinese Food and watched the Simpsons and the Brave Little Toaster. Oh, what fun! :D And while I watched the Simpsons, I got to read a fun PM from Sheikah, which made the day grand as well. Now, we're clacking away, and when I go, I'm going to take a nice, little drive, go home, take a bath, do some more laundry, and go to bed. Tomorrow is a computer day, after all. *grins*

My mom is upset with me because I went out, but mainly because no one was home to feed "the children". Those "children" are fourteen and seventeen years old. If they can't make a sandwich or something for themselves by now, then they have problems. I gave her attitude because I'm sick of all this "Oh, now that you're home, you can do this, this, and this," crap, and now she's all like, "Well, meh." Well, fine. If I could move out, I would. But there's a certain Christmas visit I need to save up for, and I wouldn't postpone it for anything, not even my sanity.

I should stop monopolizing Alex's other computer now, and get writing. Expect the second bit of the fic sometime soon. Don't let me forget the disclaimer.

Quote for the Day: "I'm a whole lotta woman!" --Katie Kennedy

take you in :: spit you out