
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


10:21 a.m.
Continuous Ranting

Didn't think I'd be back so soon.

I'm in our local library. I really only needed to send Lowell an email (looks like the anime viewing is on, after all), but since I was here, I figured, what the hell. Let's sign up for the full hour of time and get some stuff done. Namely, I wanted to see if certain people were on AIM and talk with them, since I miss them and Wednesday seems ages away.

At the bottom of my screen is this little box. You know what I mean--you click it, and it brings up a new screen. This is the screen for the AIM java. It says, and I quote, "Please wait a moment while we launch the application... Closing this window will disconnect you from the instant messaging system." So I've been waiting a moment--at least ten moments, to be precise, if a moment can be equivalent to a minute, which it is now, since I'm a trifle too irked to care--and not closing the window, and my sign in screen still has not shown up.

I realize that some places don't host stuff like that. But I've used these computers before. Heck, I've used this computer before, and it's always worked. Today, however, it has decided to make my life difficult. *growls* I guess I'll just restart the mother fucker and try again. Not much else to do, no da.

And so ends Abby trying to sound all thoughtful in her complainings. She should not be allowed to read tvzero's diary before typing her own ever again.

I found the lost entry. It was in my handbook. Go me. Maybe I'll post it, maybe I won't. We'll see how I feel come next Tuesday, when I'm next scheduled to be on a computer for long periods of time. *shrugs*

I'm tired. I have bathrooms to clean, floors to mop, laundry to do, and all between the hours of noon and three. I need to be on a train by about four thirty or so, to meet Lowell at this place (Randolph Cafe, I hope to God) by five thirty to see this anime at six. It should be interesting, to say the least, seeing as I haven't seen Lowell since the last day of school, which was a bit over a month ago. But I won't get home until late...and probably later, if I get a hold of Alex and see if she wants to get heckled when I get back from the anime. I'd like to be away from my mother for a bit this week. We neither of us have been in very keen moods, and we've been setting each other off. It's even worse with her and Sally, and I hate playing moderator. And James is no help. The boy comes home, eats, plays some PC game (which, I might add, our computer only supports one at a time of before it blows up, so I need to talk with him about that), ties up the phone line talking with his girlfriend, then goes to bed. I can't wait to get out of there. But anyway, today is going to be chock full of busy goodness, to be sure.

I better go get directions to this place, check some stuff at the school site, and then get on my merry way. I can't be all sitting and relaxing (to a degree) and somewhat enjoying myself all day, can I? *sighs*

Until tomorrow morning.

Quote for the Day: "Now that the world isn't ending, it's love that I'm sending to you..." --Hero, Chad Kroeger and Josey Scott

take you in :: spit you out