
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


8:02 a.m.
Weekend Stuff

So I still can't find that entry. Therefore, I've given up on it for the time being. Besides, knowing me, what was in the entry will change within a week or so anyway. So here's a weekend update, just to make me feel at ease.

Friday: Sad thing is, I can't remember much about Friday. I know I was on the computer...wasn't I? Yeah, I was. And I did some Zelda-ing, some laundry, and some cleaning. I also looked at furniture for my room, and saw some okay stuff. I want to go with my mother, and have her take a look. The prices were okay--I don't know how much a dresser, and armoire, or a desk or anything is supposed to cost, so I don't know what I should be comparing things to. But seeing as she's the one paying for what I need, I think she should come and look with me. I hope to get my bed in there this week, though, and start sleeping down there. I won't put any of my stuff and whatever in there--I just want to get situated. But I still have to talk with the madre about that one. I also worked Friday, per usual, and it was okay. The time went by pretty fast, actually, and since I took the cell phone with me, I got a lot of random calls and stuff. I also made a run to the 24 hour Walgreens down the street from work, bought some hair dye (I decided on the standard red, in case anyone cared), and then went driving for no reason other than I was driving a non-stick shift car, and I could. It was nice.

Saturday: I woke up at noon, and realized that the bank closed at one, and I still needed to deposit my first paycheck. Well, I could have made it to the bank in fifteen minutes--except my mom took not only the car I was driving that weekend, but my keyring that had the keys to the stick car attached to it. *sighs* She didn't get home until one, and then got irked when I complained about her taking my keys. Whatever. So I played phone tag or some nonsense with Sarah and Kate during the afternoon, and we decided to go see Hey, Arnold!, since we were in the mood for a cartoon movie. However, things went to hell, and we had to delay our movie going, which therefore lost Arnold for us. We met up at the theatre, spent at least half an hour trying to decide what to see (that's us for you), and then ended up seeing MIB 2, which was okay...I guess. We saw Alison Radz at the theatre prior to the movie and afterwards, and we just chatted and caught up and stuff. Remind me to ask her where she got her piercings done--I think the time is drawing near for me to get a cartilage ring. Then, we three went to the 'Gon in Crestwood, and I ordered too much food, so remind me to pay Sarah and Kate back. I should have just gotten my cheeseburger. *sighs* That was fun--we three haven't just sat and talked for a while. I then went home, hoping to wrap up a nice evening with some Mushroom Samba goodness, courtesy of Jet, Spike, Ed, Ein, and Faye, but alas! Cartoon Network fucks me over again! Yet another weekend filled with Yu Yu Hakusho! A good show, to be sure, but I've been waiting and waiting to Samba with the Bebop crew, for Christ's sake! *kicks stuff*

Sunday: So I skipped church. Bah. I got a call from my dad around eleven AM telling me that a tire on the blue car blew and shredded, so he had to get a new one, which sucked for him. Then, when he dropped off that car, I took him to the store, and then home, and was almost late for work at four. I managed to get there in the nick of time, and actually had another fast-ish evening. I spent most of the time making sandwiches, and I got tipped twice! Go me! But Mary wasn't there tonight, which kind of sucked, since I like Mary, and she's nice and helpful to me without making me feel like an idiot, which Jen and Elicia tend to do. Brett, too, and those were the three people I worked most of the evening with. I just thank God for nine PM closings.

So I guess that's it. I'm chatting away with my Gabriel right now, and am about to put my bio into the sisterhood diary, as well as write Boris a scathing email. Silly man. Adieu for now.

Quote for the Day: "...they won't make it home, but they really don't care, they wander the highway, they're happier there today..." --The Way, Fastball

take you in :: spit you out