
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


11:35 a.m.
Password, Furniture, and Entry Hunting

I just checked out the sisterhood diary, and it's marvelous! Sally, Ivy, and anyone else who's had a major hand in it, you are the bestest. As soon as I get the password, and have extended time on a computer (which means Monday, most likely), I will add my two cents into things. Hopefully, I'll have the intro chapter of the Sisterhood fanfic up. We'll see.

But anyway, this next section should be taken from an earlier writing, but I can't seem to find said earlier writing. I spent at least forty-five minutes on it, and it was really interesting, at least to me, but now it is AWOL. *sighs* Oh, well, I guess it'll be Monday's entry now. *kicks things*

My mother said to me last night that I should think about what sort of furniture I want in my new room, as it were. I already have a bed--it's a fold out couch, but do I care? Not in the slightest--but I need a dresser, a desk, a bedside table, some shelfy thingies, and a barricade thing for a second door. Sue suggested Value City furniture, so I'm going to take my sister there with me today to look around. We might get me an armoire type thing, to save on space, but it all depends on price. But does anyone know what the superstition or whatever it is surrounds having a mirror at the foot of one's bed? Because that's probably where I'm going to have a mirror. *shrugs* I know it's something sexual. But whatever. That's on my agenda for today, as well as borrowing my Nana's car while she's in New Hampshire. A weekend that is stick shift free--I can't wait! :D

I have work tonight. *sighs* I'll live, especially since my mom lent me money to get some new shoes. That's something to look forward to, I guess.

I have fifteen more minutes before the library kicks me off this computer. I hope Gabriel signs on before then...and anyone else. I've been feeling exceptionally lonely for the past few days for some odd reason. I think it's time to get on the phone to someone to do something...possibly Sunday during the day, if not's Chinatown or "Hey Arnold" sound? *tosses the idea around in her head*

Quote for the Day: "...suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste, it all revolves around you..." --Come What May, from Moulin Rouge

take you in :: spit you out