
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


8:03 a.m.
A Touch of Randomness

I've started keeping a written diary, since I can't be here as often. That way, I don't forget things. *checks the diary for anything of significance*

I got Gabriel's letter! He sent his necklace that he always wears, and now I'm the one always wearing it. I am right now. His letter itself was sweet (it and his pictures, including the new one, are in my handbook that is staring at me right now), and... *hugs herself* I don't really hate the postal service anymore. I just hate them.

I spent most of last night making sandwiches, and I didn't fuck them up too badly. Then again, it was only my first day. I took some guesses on how much of some things went on stuff, and a couple of people were bitchy because I wasn't as speedy as the other girls. But that's the price one pays, I suppose. I need to get new shoes, though. My gym shoes are a size too small, and my toes are killing me. But I met two new people today--Robin and Theresa--and I love them both, especially Robin. She's so nice and funny and really the only one who wanted to talk about stuff about me. I get to work with her again on Friday, and I'm very glad.

And now: fic junk! :D

I'll be taking any desires/requests/etc. for the fic until next Monday. Then, the real writing begins. Those who haven't given me guy info will either be left without one or randomly given one (i.e. if you're an elf, you might just get thrown in the Legolas harem, so be forewarned. :D ), just to make my life easier. Also, those who haven't given names will have them given to them. Basically, I'll give stuff that hasn't been given. *shrugs* That's the way the cookie crumbles while I'm eating it or some nonsense.

I'm not liking the length of this entry, so the fic section I wrote will be postponed until next we meet. Whenever I have to come up here to pay tuition or whatever, I'll do it. Thank you for your patience. It's nothing special, but I kind of like it. We'll see what you think.

Quote for the Day: "Yaaaaaaaaay hot dog!" --Gir

take you in :: spit you out