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10:52 p.m.
Veg Day

Today = veg out day.

That's right. I've taken one day of finals week and turned it into Abby day. Gotta love it.

Sure, I could be working on my Lit final, or I could start studying for the Chem final, or continue studying for the Psych final. But I know if I do that, and do it again Wednesday and Thursday, I'll go insane. It's happened before. So I'm going to say screw that noise, and take today off.

I was supposed to get breakfast, but I decided, "Meh. I'll do it tomorrow. Start a working day off right." So for most of today, I will be on a computer, talking to my Gabriel, because after Friday, I might only get to talk to him once a week, and only for about an hour then. I'm truly not looking forward to that.

Which brings me to something I've got to say. I have the best friends in the world. Both Sarah and Alex have offered to let me use their computers should I need to. So instead of driving up to campus to probably be screwed over because the internet cafe computers are all taken, I can go to their houses, which are much closer, and do what I need to do, and then hang out besides. Sure, I have to take work into account, as soon as I get a job, but still. They really have no idea how much just saying those words means to me.

But anyway, I'm trying not to think about things that'll depress me, and lack of Gabriel time will certainly do that, so here's how the rest of the day will probably pan out. As long as Gabriel is on the computer, I will be, too. Like I said, I want to get as much time in as possible. Then, I'll have lunch or dinner, depending, and probably write while I do. I could stand to get some writing in. By then, Jamie will be taking one of her finals, and Caitlin will more than likely be out, either at the gym or something, so I'll go back to the room and read and/or take a nap. A nap would be nice. Then, around nine or so, I'll order in Chinese food, enjoy that while reading some more, and then go to the student center, which is open twenty-four hours during finals week. I'll probably be on when he wakes up, then I'll start the day off with some more psych studying, before going to bed probably around three AM.

Full day. Much vegging. And hopefully, my knee cramp will go away. This is killing me.

7:27 PM: I'll say something tomorrow, but sign my guestmap at the bottom of the page! I'm a map freak, and I like to know where my readers come from, anyway. And I'll try to fix the LOTR sisters ring picture sometime tonight or tomorrow. :D

Quote for the Day: "And she called out a warning...she knew that her life had passed her by..." --Warning, by Incubus

take you in :: spit you out