
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


8:55 a.m.

I'm tired. I'm really, really tired. Would you like to know why I'm tired? Sure you would. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here, and I wouldn't be here, and no one would be here.

Last night, I was to register. At DePaul, they have the stupid assed system where you register online, which would normally be a good thing, except everyone on your floor is registering at the same fucking time. Actually, scratch that. Nearly everyone in your class is registering. Therefore, the system is deathly slow. As a result, of course, I could not get in. I tried from roughly 12:05 AM until 2:11 AM, and the two times I got in, it froze up. By 2:11, I decided to give up, get some sleep, and wake up early to go register. So after reading the rest of a psych thing I have to write a paper on by tomorrow, I fell asleep to Jamie clacking and Caitlin highlighting, right around three AM.

The alarm goes off at seven, and I sleep until eight, and surprisingly, neither of them yelled at me to turn it off. They must have been sleeping deeper than anything, because they always yell if my alarm's on for more than a minute. So I get out of bed, get dressed (and I need to change later, because these shoes do not go with this skirt, but I don't mind too much at this point--I'm going on four hours of sleep, approximately), and head over to the internet cafe to register. And, after all that annoyance and waiting, I get into the system, see that both of my English courses are open, and rejoice.

And then I find out that my account is on hold, and I can't schedule until I pay my tuition, anyway. I mean, I assumed that was coming, but fuck. All that goes through, and I get that fucked over? *sighs*

But meh, I'm okay. Those classes will probably stay open until I can register for them, and if my world history with Sigel isn't, I'll email her and see if I can't take the course anyway. She knows me, and it will probably work out for the best. As for right now, I'm going to go eat some breakfast, since my neko won't be here until ten or so, and I have to be in religion at that point. I just saw Professor Ludwig walk into the building, so I know he's here, and I think he saw me, which means I have to go.

Oh, and to the LOTR sisters: despite all this, I'm still working on the ring. The pic I want to use (after resizing) will be at the bottom of this page, and I'll make the actual ring tonight at the beginning of work, which equates to around 5 PM CST. Thanks especially to Lady Greenleaf for all the image searching. *hugs* Thank you a zillion times over.

Breakfast awaits. Here's the image:

Quote for the Day: "I killed a bug on my face." --Kate

take you in :: spit you out