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rings a-m
rings n-z


8:50 a.m.
Homework Report

I've started updating this blasted thing every twelve hours or so. I told myself I would never do this. I don't know why I told myself this--I just sort of did. I always saw diaries as this daily thing--talk about your feelings, say what happened in your day, blah blah blah--and that was that. Updating with something akin to frequency like that just doesn't make sense to my little mind. But then again, nothing does right now.

I just wrote a summary for my religion readings that is longer than my midterm paper was. I am ready to kick something. The readings were generally interesting, granted--although I'm going to kick Arthur Peacocke in the face for continually inserting "I" into his book, because I hate when nonfiction type crap has "I" in is--but writing the paper was hell. I physically couldn't finish it last night. I got up to about page five of my typing, and just couldn't do it. So I reread some stuff, marked things up, and got up an hour earlier than I would have had I finished the blasted thing and came to the student center to write it. I started it at 8:00 AM, and finished at 8:45. Forty-five minutes to type four pages of work. I feel like such a mondo dink.

But hey, it's done, and I did my chemistry worksheet last night. Tonight, I have to probably do the entire chemistry project, because it's probably due on Thursay, with my luck, and I'm sure I could find out if I pulled out the syllabus, but you see, that would make far too much sense, wouldn't it? *sighs* Oh, and Frankenstein was good, but I'm going to kill Victor with his own cravat or something. This paper on the hubristicness of Victor Frankenstein is going to be fun. Oh, the ranting I will do...I think I'll write two papers--one to turn in to Brian, and one to keep for my own amusement. We shall see.

Quote for the Day: "...When did that fall off?" --Sue, upon discovering her burger had fallen apart.

take you in :: spit you out