
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


10:51 p.m.
It's Sunday...You Know What's Coming!

Here we go again:

Friday was a waste of my big, fat time. I rushed around like a maniac, eating chicken fried rice (mmm...and Bing makes it kinda spicy, which was an added treat), taking a bath, and making myself somewhat prettyful for Jekyll and Hyde, only to show up with (surprise, surprise) nothing to do. Melanie was filling in for one of the girls in "Bring on the Men", so she said I could do sound when she was on stage, but that she would do it the rest of the time. I said I'd do half and she would do half, but she said, "No, that's fine. I hate doing sound, but that's fine." *screams in frustration* I like doing sound! I really do! What I don't like is sitting at the tech booth with no chair and not doing anything. I could have been home watching a new episode of Invader Zim, vegging out and laughing with my sister, but nooooo. I was sitting on the tech booth (with no chair), getting bored and annoyed. Nora was also there, which added to my irkedness. Dan Frank had reserved the back room at Corrigan's Pub, and I could have gone and drank and things of that nature, but I was so annoyed by the end of the night that I just left.

After leaving, I decided, what the hell, it's a nice enough out, let's roll down the windows and go for some nighttime expressway driving. Well, I hop onto 94 West (Dan Ryan) and am cruising along at a nice clip (75 mph) to some decent tunes, when all of a sudden, traffic stops at about 76th Street because of an accident ahead. I swear, get off the expressway, and turn around, deciding to hop onto 94 East (Bishop Ford), since I rarely use that expressway. I get up to about 80 mph, Jimmy Eat World's "The Middle" comes on, and I'm wailing away, then BAM! Traffic jams up at 115th street, and I see ambulances behind me. I swear, get off at 115th, and turn back around, giving up. I get off I-57 at Halsted (appx. 99th street), and head for home. When I get there, I watch Sally play some Majora's Mask, and my quote of the day/weekend will come from that. I fell asleep while she was playing.

Saturday started off with a bang. Sally yelled across the room to me that it was almost noon, and I swore. We were supposed to get up around ten to go to the mall and get her birthday/graduation gift and get mom's Mother's Day gift, as well as price a corset for me. Well, I heard the phone ringing, and continue ringing, and thought, "Hmm. Maybe it's Gabriel, even though it's not one yet." I stumble out of bed, see my mother in the bathroom doing her hair, and ask who's calling. She replies with "Out of area. They've been calling and calling." I rush to the phone, pick it up as they hang up, then scream when it rings in my hand. The ID read "Private", but she said that it's the same thing, and sure enough, it was my Gabriel, screwed up on time. I didn't mind, though--any chance to talk with him is nice. We yakked about phone sex, weekend plans, and the death of his cousin, amongst other things, and after about an hour and a half, my mother yelled for me to get the hell off the phone and go help them rid the basement floor of clothes. It had been raining since the previous night, and she was worried the basement would flood. We did as told, then Sally and I went to the mall. I priced a nice, red corset at Fredricks (just hope they get my size in sometime soon), bought Sally her Gir plushie, snagged a coffee thingy from Gloria Jeans, and got my mom's gift ("O Brother, Where Art Thou?"). We then got McDonald's for dinner, ate it to the strains of Zelda, and my sister left for the evening.

She left me alone, which normally, I don't mind. That night, however, I minded--it was storming, and I hate storms. I especially hate being alone during storms. I curled up under a blanket with the Normans and watched cartoons, trying to ignore the thunder and lightning, and when it calmed down, I took a soothing bath and washed my hair. I got out just in time for Bebop (yay for the Jet Black-ness...*blushes*), and then decided that I was hungry. Sally was home by then, and she agreed that she was hungry, so we went to White Hen and got some soup. We came home, ate our food, watched some movies, and I attempted to sleep around one AM. What sucks is that my mother's bed is so damned uncomfortable that on

Sunday I woke up at about 6:45 AM. I lounged around, decided not to go to Mass, and took another bath, but didn't wash my hair. At about eleven thirty, I discovered that our internet connection still worked, and I chatted with Gabriel, Diane, Alex, Jim, and Doug during my brief visit. Gabriel asked if he could call again, and he did, right about one PM. We went on about a bunch of junk--kleenex, the lack of corset, and make-up being the things I mainly remember right about now--before he swore because his calling card was running out. I owe you, dearest one.

So we hastily hung up, and I did some more cleaning and laundry. Then, Sally and I took Nana's gift and cards over to her place, and she enlisted us to help her carry dessert and stuff to Maureen's for her Mother's Day dinner thang. We hung out there for a little bit, then excused ourselves, because I had to get home, call the boy, and get back to school. Well, I didn't get a hold of the boy until 6:30 PM, and I needed to get back pronto to start a ten page midterm paper that was due by Tuesday at the latest. He then complained that the brakes were grinding, which is his own damned fault for not taking the car in for brake fluid when his father told him to. Now, not only are the brakes probably going to need work, guess who has to pay for it. If it's over fifty dollars, that car is mine for a week. This is bullshit. So anyway, I decided to take the stick car and drive myself to school, and actually managed to find close parking on the streets, so I didn't have to walk for ages and I won't get towed! I don't know when I'm getting it back to Beverly, but it'll get there.

I did some random junk upon arriving in the room, then went to write the outline for that midterm paper. That took nearly an hour in and of itself. Then, I made some notecards for my psych exam this Friday, organized my folder, and decided to head over to the cafe for a slice of pizza. Now, I'm on a computer, waiting for mi amor, and typing this God-forsaken entry. But that was it. Wish me luck in typing that monstrosity tomorrow.

Quote for the Day: "Let's go find some more things to hump." --Sally, about Link and the Kamaro mask discovery.

take you in :: spit you out