
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


10:00 a.m.
Ongoing First Day

I decided to do another ongoing entry, since today is going to be full of new things. So here we go:

10:00 AM--Sitting in the lab after my first Psych 105 course. The professor is very cheery and nice, which is good for an 8:30 class. The course itself looks to be interesting, and I can't wait to get more into things. We also have to participate in research experiments conducted by the psychology department to pass the course--very interesting, I think. We'll just have to see. Class got out about twenty minutes early, so I got some coffee, and yakked with Emilia, who showed up around 9:15. She left with Viviana for her 9:40 around 9:20, and I went upstairs to meet back up with Gabriel. Sarah was there, and I plan to meet her here when her 9:40 class is over, because she left her ID in her room when she left for class. Poor dear--I hope her day goes better than she thinks it's going to. After my 12:00 Lit class, I plan to stop in the QR offices to get my schedule for working in the lab--wish me luck!

Back at about 1:30 or so...

1:25 PM--Busy morning. After leaving, Sarah and I ate some mondo good soup, and I talked some more with Gabriel before Reading Literature. Brian Niro, the professor, is a nice guy. Very straightforward, very keen, with a hint of a Scottish accent from studying for his Ph.D. there. It got out half an hour early, but it looks to be more fun than I had anticipated. Thank God. I then went to talk with John Foster from the QR department, and so far, I have six hours of work in the lab, which is vastly less than I need. Hopefully, I can add a few more on Wednesday, when I come to finalize a schedule with him. Eleven hours would be perfect--see if he'll put me on the Saturday slot. *prays*

Off for now. Should be back later...

8:12 PM--Since this afternoon, things have been interesting. I had a heinous mood swing around three thirty, for a number of reasons, but with the help of Lowell and Gabriel, I got out of it and back to my optimistic self, more or less. Then, I left to go have dinner with Sarah, and it was very amusing. I didn't get the plot work on the Harry Potter fic done, but it's okay. After that, it was back to the dorms for some necessary Zelda-ing (MM), and now I'm here. I got my grilled cheese, and realized something wonderful--I work twelve hours a week, not six! I forgot to take into account that MWF isn't just one day, it's three. So I work for two hours each of those days (six), and four hours on Thursday...wait, that's ten. Okay, so I work ten hours each week. *smiles sheepishly* But that's better than six, believe you me. That much closer to Sweden.

And now, to make a list, then do some readings for Psych and English. I'm actually going to get some work done tonight! I love the beginning of a quarter!

10:43 PM--If anyone knows how to put that counter thingy on the bottom part of the page somehow, I'd be ever so grateful--Avi's HTML knowledge is limited. *grins*

Quote for the Day: "Amphorus." --James

take you in :: spit you out