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rings n-z


12:51 p.m.
A Bit of Randomness

Okay, so remind me to not get all like "Ooh, I might have real mail!" when I know I don't. I don't even know whether or not the letter has been mailed yet. Probably not. *sighs*

I hate getting my hopes up and having them dashed to pieces. I mean, everyone hates it, but as of late, I really, really hate it. Things have been going so nicely, and I would appreciate it if they stay that way. *sighs* I need to get over this. I really do. It's not nice at all.

I'm finally eating lunch. I'm having chicken strips and french fries, and a really good iced cappucino with a shot of caramel. Whipped cream, too. Yummy. And the fries are really good today--not the usual spiced stuff they tend to have, but just plain old fries. Huzzah.

I've been on a nice writing streak as of late. Last night, I wrote for about three hours. Didn't get as far as I would have liked, but I got some stuff down. I've been obsessing over Jet from Cowboy Bebop, so I figured, what the hell, write a fic. It's okay--I don't know quite enough about the characters to know whether or not I'm giving an accurate representation, but I like the story line. Of course I would, for I'm making my character Jet's interest. A little twist--she's already married, and the reason she's there in the first place is to get him back from some guys who took him. It needs some work, and will probably not be viewed by anyone but me, but whatever. I'm enjoying it, and I'm playing with character styles I've never played with.

And it's Jet. I mean, come on.

I so wanted to see "Death to Smoochy" tonight, but it doesn't come out until tomorrow. *cries again* But Lex is looking up other movies, so it should be interesting. Movie night! Huzzah!

I am so digging this coffee. One shouldn't enjoy a beverage this much.

YAY! The second FY OAV song just came on my playlist--"Star", it's called. I just get all uplifted when I hear this song. *dances*

Okay, enough randomness. Time to concentrate on eating and then making phone calls. Oh, Sarah...*laughs evilly*

I miss you.

Quote for the Day: "Smoking--no. Whoring--okay!" --Alan, paraphrasing his most recent boyfriend

take you in :: spit you out