
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


6:25 p.m.
Funny How Things Work Out... one's here, so I should essentially go to sleep, but I'm a jackass, and am going to update my diary, then finish unpacking, then start my work. I HAVE to finish the conclusion for the reasearch paper tonight, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. The focal point paper...well...seeing as I still have a quarter of the book to read, and a website to check, I don't know if that's going to get done. If I try really hard, I can at least get the book read and the site checked tonight, then give up my scheduled chat with Angel and Geki and write the paper.

But *SHIT* I just remembered something! I have a huge presentation for QR tomorrow, and I haven't worked on it since Saturday afternoon. I have to be ready to talk for about five minutes, and I haven't touched the blasted thing. *yells* God damned mother fucking cock sucking bitch whore goddess!!!! *buries her head in her hands and tries not to bawl* Why do I do things that totally fuck me up like this? Do I have some sort of fetish for having to work like a madwoman the night before something (or, in this case, somethings) is due? I must, because I do it so often. It's like it turns me on or something...jesu christi...and I haven't gone to Mass today, and can at 9:30, if I get a good amount of work done before then. Maybe it'll help calm me down, if nothing else. We'll see.

This was a good weekend. Got the project done early Saturday, spent Saturday afternoon in the chat (which was fun despite Wildfire's bothering Stealth and me the entire time) and had much fun there, too. I think I might get Stealth in the diary craze...go me! Then, I went to the south side, and spent the evening at Alex's with her, Sarah, Sue, and Erin. Kate was supposed to come over, but didn't want to go out in the wind. Whatever. We'll see her on Wednesday. We just goofed around, and gossiped about people. It was very relaxing, and I'm glad we did it. I haven't talked with Erin in some time, so getting to see her again was great. She, Alex, Sarah and I made plans to go out early Sunday that night, so we did.

Our plans included going to Guitar Center to look at guitars for Erin. But I had an ulterior motive--Jordan works at Guitar Center on weekends. He hadn't returned my last email, which I sent more than a week ago, so I wanted to see what was up. Sarah ended up not going with us, but Erin and Alex played around with a guitar while Jordan and I talked. He was happy to see me, which was great--I was happy to see him, too. We decided to do something over my Spring Break, after he gets back from Canada with his school's band (he plays trumpet), so it should be fun. I was a little nervous about that whole thing, but it turned out nicely. Good guy, that Jordan.

But then we went to the mall (Orland) to get Alex's graduation dress, which is absolutely gorgeous. It's very basic--gown type thing that's shiny white with a few diamond-looking rhinestones on it--but had only one sleeve thing as opposed to two. Absolutely keen. We were going to go underwear shopping, but I needed to get back up to campus ASAP, so we just decided to do it another time. I felt kind of bad, but I really did need to get back here. James drove me to the train at Halsted (which was very nice of him--he was only going to take me to Western at first), and I got back here, and immediately listened to the Titan A.E. Soundtrack I borrowed from Alex, to listen to this great song Lowell had me hear, called "Karma Slave" by Splashdown. If you like techno-esque stuff sung by chicks, with a little bit of Egyptian influence, listen to this song. It's most fun. But now I'm here, clacking away and not working. That sounds about right, doesn't it?

Oh, and James might let us use the N64 during Spring Break! I hope he does--I SO need some Zelda action right now, even though when I last played Majora's Mask, something borked up and I DIDN'T SAVE MY LAST BIT!! It was the last temple--Stone Tower--and the boss is VERY irksome. *sighs* I hate when shit like that happens.

"Abby, dude, so have to get to work, man. You're never going to get to bed tonight if you don't, and you don't want Chris to wonder why the hell you're falling asleep at your meeting tomorrow. Stop typing and start writing. NOW."

...Yes, brain. *sighs*

Quote for the Day: "...Master? How do you UNSUMMON a Demon Lord?" --Stealth

take you in :: spit you out