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rings a-m
rings n-z


11:15 a.m.
Bloody Dreamcatcher!

Okay, I'm going to take that bloody dreamcatcher down, because for the fifth bloody night in a row, I've had a weird dream. I didn't post the other two, because they were kind of explicit, and no one really wants to read about that, now do they? That's what I thought. But last night's was just wacko.

I was travelling to visit Kate at school, but not by car, but by like walking on side roads along a swampy river thing on one of those train things where you have to keep pushing the lever on either side to make it move. We were being chased by something for a while, but then we were left alone. Then, all of a sudden, Sue, Alex, and Sarah showed up, and we were all swimming in this river thing to finally get to Kate's (what's with the water stuff in these dreams? Anybody a dream interpreter here?). We meet up with Annette, who is being overly weird, so we leave, and somehow end up in an old fashioned kitchen along the river, where Mr. and Mrs. Ebel and Mr. Lucio are, and I'm being all responsible, like, "We'll be fine getting home from Kate's, don't worry." Then, we all ended up in this whacked out version of the SAC pit at DePaul, eating cookies, and I was with some dude, but I didn't know who he was, because I didn't recognize him, but we were being incredibly familiar--hands around the waist and stuff. But then I woke up because the trains started being exceptionally loud. But I'm almost getting sick of this. Blasted dreamcatcher. I blame it entirely on that.

Yesterday was interesting. I spent the entire day with Lowell, the anime club guy, and it was bloody hysterical. I felt bad, because in doing so I forgot about a meeting with Kate Richardson about our QR project, but she was okay with it in the end. I'm glad for yesterday, though--I really needed to have some insane, hysterical fun, even if it did involve stairwells.

Today is going to be an odd day. I don't know why or how, but I can just feel it. I've already laughed way too much, I found a nickel on the ground and named it Philip, and a bunch of other odd stuff. And I decided to try another no caffeine day. The last time I did this, it was freshman year of high school, when I was first getting addicted, and it was funny as hell in retropsect. Sarah did it, too, and she was heinously cranky, and I was all fidgety, jumpy, and irritable all bloody day. Sure, it wasn't fun then, but I'm sure Kate, Jenny Tarka, and all the rest got a kick out of it. This time, I'm more addicted to caffeine, and in larger doses, so this should be more than interesting. But I'm smart--I'm not doing this experiment until Spring Break, when I don't have to deal with classes. I'll take notes and ask Sarah to do the same, and post the results. They should be hilarious.

Kate's coming home today! *dances* Are we all doing something tomorrow, or is that with Arthur's friends? No one tells me anything anymore! *sighs* But...yay! Kate's going to be home!

To add to the oddness, here's today's quote, as well as a quiz result. Enjoy.

I'm 2-D

Quote for the Day: "We had sex in two different rooms." --Richard Lewis

take you in :: spit you out