
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


9:05 p.m.
Amusement for Abby

I am a HTML goddess. I just added a rings page to Alex's diary. Go me! *dances a victory dance that looks strangely like the happy dance, which looks strangely like the Austin Powers dance*

Well, I take that back. I'm hardly a "HTML goddess", but I know how to follow step-by-step instructions on how to use it. That's as good as anything. But being called a goddess in any way, shape, or form is a wonderful thing. If you've never been called one, and you're a woman, I hope you do one day. "Mi diosa" is a wonderful thing to be called. :D

My afternoon was amusing. I met up with Sarah for a dinner and other stuff, and we laughed our asses off creating a Harry Potter fan fiction. I also got a major part of a final project done with my buddy Kate Richardson from QR, spent three hours in the chat instead of going to QR (not in that order), and just generally relaxed and had fun instead of doing actual work. That will change as soon as this entry is done, however, because I have mondo reading to do before scheduling for my spring classes. The next entry will let you know exactly what I finally ended up getting, since my creative writing class was CLOSED. *sighs* Since English ended, the day has just been generally amusing and wonderful. Thank God for many things.

I got an email from Kevin, saying that he and Alan thought there might be a solo part in the beginning of act two of "Jekyll and Hyde" that I would be good at, if we worked out a scheduling thing. If he hadn't said "solo", I would have ignored it, but it's a solo. In a musical. Something I've always wanted. I'm going to try calling him again at around ten, to work things out. Let's just hope we don't work other things out as well. I feel like enough of a whore as of late as it is.

There were so many good quotes today, but now it's Jamie's turn to shine once again. Get to it, boy!

Quote for the Day: "Fuck you, God! You owe me!" --Jamie

take you in :: spit you out