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4:06 p.m.
Sleep, Sinuses, Mass, and Louis

Okay, I dub tonight "Abby's catching up on sleep" night. I plan to go to bed early, no matter what my roommates are up to. They can talk and whatever all they want, because I know I'll be able to sleep through it at this point, thanks to this week's lack of sleep. I just feel bad for them, though, because I started a really bad habit last weekend. I started to snore.

I'm thinking it's just sinuses or something. I'm still essentially recovering from the Martian Death Flu--I mean, I'm still coughing every now and again and am still congested (damnable post nasal drip), so I don't know. But I kept waking myself up last Saturday night in Iowa from the snoring, because I just don't do it normally, and my sister was told to wake me up if I snored too loudly--which, unfortunately, I did a few nights. Last night, I was informed that I only snored a little, but I'm still a trifle worried. I'm told putting scotch tape across your nose when you go to sleep helps... *wonders about the validity of this statement*

I didn't get to campus until after three today, which I was not happy about. I was hoping to get back much earlier, for I had a previous engagement. But when I went to drop the Tahoe back in Evanston, my mom was all like "Wait a little and we'll drive you back to school." I would have taken the train--I didn't care. I just wanted to get the hell back here. But no, I did exactly what I didn't want to do and sat around in Evanston for two and a half bloody hours doing absolutely jack. *sighs* Ah, well, c'est la vie.

Speaking of Evanston, Louis (Hans's insane little dog) did something very foolish on Saturday. He found Hans's box of fish hooks in the basement, and proceeded to get several stuck in various parts of his body, and then get tangled in a blanket in the process. When the dude watching Hans's house and dogs came in Saturday morning, he had to rush him to the vet, blanket and all. Nothing serious, just some scratches and things, and he's got a bandage on his leg, but it was still scary to hear that yesterday morning. He's back to his usual self, jumping around and romping in the deep snow outside the house with every given opportunity. You can always count on Louis to remain generally the same.

Mass today with Alan was fun. We talked about relationship things (he asked me about Jordan and Jim, and I asked him about Jason, this guy from one of his theatres), and we had some good laughs about all of that. I really did suck today, despite what Alan said, but everything went well, and was a good start to an otherwise not cool day.

And speaking of that day, I must start to do more with it. Like catch up on readings and start the conclusion of that research paper. *sighs*

Quote for the Day: "I don't want scurvy!" --me

take you in :: spit you out