
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


11:50 a.m.
The First Day of Smarch!

Indeed, Smarch is upon us. For the next thirteen days, it will be the 13th month of the year--Smarch. Thank you, Matt Groening. But when he had Homer Simpson say, "Lousy Smarch weather!" he wasn't kidding--both Smarch and March look to be infinitely more heinous than the dreaded February has been, weather-wise. We're under a winter storm warning, and starting late this evening--right about the time I'll be driving to pick up James and Veronica, I'd wager--we should be getting some icky amounts of snow. By tomorrow night, it should stand about eight inches. Normally, I'd have no real problems with this--I could sit in my house and watch the snow fall, just what I like--but I have a ton of travel time tonight and tomorrow. I have to return the Tahoe to Evanston by tomorrow, for Mom and Hans are scheduled to return sometime tomorrow (unless the snow delays them, of course), and I want the car to be there for them. What I don't want to do, however, is take a whole bunch of trains home from Evanston (3-4, by my count) in mounting snow. If I get a call from Alex, Sarah, Kevin, or Jordan, I'll have to drive wherever they are if they want to do something. Blarghy. If my father had just let me take the Tahoe back Wednesday when I wanted to, this wouldn't be an issue, now would it? Bloody Dad.

And my buddy Chuck's show is tonight, and I want to go like nobody's business, because I love Chuck to death and this is a big role for him, but tonight is "Abby cleans the bloody house to perfection" night. I'm going to send my sister away, crank up Tommy, Moulin Rouge, Zelda, and Disney CDs, and do some mondo cleaning. My mother will freak out when she gets home--the house will look absolutely smashing. Then, I won't have to clean it until the next time I go South, which will certainly not be next week or weekend. Alan better not call a cantor practice for next week, unless he wants to drive me back to Lincoln Park.

Half of the classes I want to take for Spring Quarter are already closed! Creative writing is one of them, which totally bites, because that was one of my really important classes. Several of my choices for liberal studies courses are closed as well. But an art class that I'm interested in taking is taught by Sarah's current art professor, so that might be an option. I schedule Tuesday, so we'll see where I stand then.

Things just keep getting busier and busier, and I'm slowly but surely going insane. Research paper, projects, finals, extra homework....and then there's everything else. I almost wish I had no family or friend issues to think about right now, but then I think again, and realize that it's those people who are keeping me alive and going right now. It's Kate's emails, Sarah's hugs, Emilia and Kasha's lunches, Gabriel's undying support, and even Jim's complainings and insane away messages and the total madness of the Anet chat that keep me running, and I am more than grateful for all of it. I love you all more than I can say.

And now--to archive February's entries! God, I love my life...

Quote for the Day: "A prune eating weasel with a chainsaw attacks the skipper." --Dave (sorry, Alex, but it's been stuck in my head all day for some God unknown reason)

take you in :: spit you out