
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


10:44 a.m.
Moving Stuff, and also Not

I moved in yesterday. Well, that's a lie. I kind of moved in. I made my bed (temporarily--I don't have my real sheets yet--long story), put my clothes in a dresser (for the first time since the end of this summer), put my makeup and hair stuff and a few other random boxes on top of the dresser, and put the empty suitcases and boxes on a shelf in the closet. There are still about five boxes sitting next to my bed, and my bookshelf thingy that goes on top of my desk is still sitting in front of my desk. I would have put it on the desk last night, but there are posters and a computer in the way, and I didn't want to mess with them. I will tonight, however. I'm already sick of that stuff just sitting there, and I'm sure Jamie and Caitlin are, too.

Things are all right thus far. Jamie and Caitlin are nice and funny, and so are Liz and Adrienne, two of their friends (the latter being one of Sarah's roommates). The RA, Anna, is really keen, too. Sarah came by once or twice, and I went to her room and watched Star Trek--fun stuff. And I actually got all of my history reading for today done before the day it was due--just sat in my bed and read while the abovementioned four planned a trip to New Orleans for next weekend. They'll be gone from Wednesday night to Sunday night, so I'll be a single roomer for about four days. Interesting.

I haven't yet had a chance to use my cardy thingy, but that will be done for dinner tonight, seeing as I haven't eaten since, oh, I don't know, Sunday night, when I had two pieces of pizza. I could have eaten last night, but I was far too tired and lazy. I could go eat now, but for the same dilemma, plus a headache from squinting in the dark because I couldn't find the light for the closet this morning. So I'm just going to continue my daily internet regiment, but add a trip to, then go to Starbucks, get a caramel frappucino, and read some more history...or maybe more Lord of the Rings. Yes, that is what I shall do. Speaking of which...

Quote for the Day: "His arm has grown long, indeed, if he can draw snow down from the north to trouble us here three hundred leagues away." "His arm has grown long." --Gimli, Gandalf, "Fellowship of the Ring"

take you in :: spit you out