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100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


11:36 a.m.
Listy Thingy

I've been meaning to make a list of the best fictional characters ever. Many of these are ones I'm in absolute love with, of course, but that's to be expected. These are in no particular order.

1. Aragorn

--Doi on why he's here.

2. Bevier

--Beautiful, a great fighter, and religious to boot.

3. Kheldar

--Cracks me up, and is one of the most clever characters out there.

4. Boromir

--Worthier than one might think.

5. Sparhawk

--The man has no destiny, for Christ's sake. He can do whatever the hell he wants. What more could a man want?

6. Tasuki

--Once again, the cracks me up factor kicks in. As well as the beautiful factor as well.

7. Colonel Brandon

--Not only is he played by Alan Rickman, he's the perfect gentleman. Marianne SO does not deserve him.

8. Inigo Montoya

--Cracks me up once again, and a great swordsman to boot.

9. Gurney Halleck

--Wonderful. Simply wonderful. He has a great optimistic view on life for one who spent most of his life in a slave pit. Thank you, religion.

10. Kalten

--Score one more for they cracks me up factor.

11. Gandalf

--C'mon. Can you really argue with this one?

12. Ian Malcolm

--Gives us reason when we really need it.

13. Garion

--The perfect innocent.

14. Agent Pendergast

--Sherlock Holmes with a southern twist--and in fictional form.

15. Ulath

--A great wit, and not as silent as he leads you to believe. There's a lot under the surface of this one.

16. Legolas

--He's an elf. He's the best archer around. He's gorgeous. He's an elf. Another one with a sense of optimism. Huzzah.

17. Severus Snape

--Another one where there's more to him than meets the eye. Nothing better happen to him, Rowling!

18. Tynian

--I just keep coming back to the Elenium, don't I? An addition to the "cracks me up" list.

19. Piter de Vries

--For a bad guy, this one knows what he's doing.

20. Fred and George Weasley

--The best of the best when it comes to cracking me up.

I could go on and on, but I won't. This is long enough as it is.

One might wonder why there are no chicks on this list. No, I'm not boy crazy. I just don't dig many of the chick characters out there. Sure, Hermoine Granger, the Lady Jessica, Mirtai, Polgara, and scores of others are cool, but...they just don't do it for me. Maybe one day I'll compile a list of fictional chicks that are cool. For today, let's stick with the guys. It makes me happy. And we all know that it's all about making me happy. ::smirks::

Quote for the Day: "I'm learning, I'm yearning, I'm burning all your stuff...but that's not enough." --BNL, "Thanks, That was Fun"

take you in :: spit you out