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rings a-m
rings n-z


11:53 p.m.
Divine Inspiration...or a Bug?

The writing bug is back! Usually, I chase bugs away, but this one is always welcome. I'm going to cook him a nice dinner and give him some ice-cold Pepsi and anything else that will keep him around for a while. This makes me incredibly happy.

I've had some great ideas for a storyline for awhile now, but it's all coming together now. I wrote a few scenes the other night, and I like the way things are going. But I need to finish my maps first, and get a lay of my lands and such, and then maybe develop characters a little bit more. A few of them are based upon real people, so I won't have to go much farther with those except to modify them to the story, but the others...that'll take some time. Research is also key. Sarah is doing some weather/atmosphere stuff for me (thank you again!), but I need to decide what kind of costume people will wear, and do some more weaponry and armoury and fighting-type research as well. I've got a long way to go, but it looks promising.

This is certainly Divine Inspiriation for me, methinks. I am really looking forward to this, and have good feelings about it. Even if it isn't actually Divine, I'll call it that--it sounds impressive.

Back to the real world:

Sarah and I went to Chinatown, had a fun lunch, then sat around and bandyed words (I love that phrase). It was much fun! I also found a Christmas gift down there--I'm going back with Sally on Saturday. She's always wanted to go to Chinatown. I also watched City Slickers again--I love that movie! That's where Norman came from, and we all know how much I love Norman (and Normans). Now, I am tired, but I have to wash my hair before I can sleep.

Alex, I doubt this will help in the slightest, but know that I love you and am here for you if you need anything. I say this all the time, and I know you know I mean it, but you know how much I love repeating myself. If you're bored tomorrow night, gimme a call--I should be home.

Seeing as it's midnight, I guess I have to come up with a new quote. Hey, Jim, thanks for the inspiration!

Quote for the Day: "I whooped Batman's ass!" --Wesley Willis

take you in :: spit you out