
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


10:02 a.m.
Hoping and Praying

I felt so bad yesterday--Hans and I forgot to buy candy! But we did the next best thing--or rather, I did--and gave them quarters. It won't get them much candy, but it'll do something. But there was a low turnout this year in both Beverly and Evanston. But seeing as both my mother and I didn't get home until after the prime trick-or-treating hours (especially in Beverly--those kids hit the streets straight from school sometimes), that might explain it. It was annoying, however, because I was trying to do work for school online while kids were coming, and I had to keep getting up, leaving, returning, then doing it all over again. I hope those little dinkuses had fun.

We got the jeep yesterday! It's not red red--more of a maroon, really--but maroon's pretty sweet, too! Unfortunately, I have the church bus today. Which brings us to the topic of the day:


Between the hours of 10 AM and 2:30 PM, please pray to whatever deity you wish or at least send some hope my way that the church bus isn't towed. I parked in a semi-illegal spot, which Hans says he's parked in before and gotten away with it but he'd rather I didn't do it too often, mainly because I was running a trifle late, but mostly because I was lazy. I've already promised God that I'd do something else to work of the sloth, but maybe others' thoughts and prayers would help. They'd certainly help me. I'm going to be worrying the hell out of myself all day long. WHY AM I A LAZY IDIOT?! GAAAAAAH!

On the religion vein, it's All Saints Day, my least favourite Holy Day, because it always makes me sad. There's mass this evening, then choir practice--which I shouldn't go to since my voice is going, but meh--and I'm going to be sad all the way through it all. Stupid sadness. But at this point, I'd take sadness over worry any day. And besides, All Saints Day means that Advent and Christmas aren't too far behind! I'd rather not be doing the Kyrie--I HATE the Kyrie--but the rest of the music isn't too bad. Besides, it's Christmas!

I may have to do a presentation next period--I hope I don't, for I don't have the music today. I'll have it Tuesday, for sure. Today, no. More hoping and praying from my end.

Quote for the Day: (said after calmly lopping someone's head off with a huge-ass Lochaber) "Now, friends, you shall kneel and pray for your captain's soul, and indeed yours as well, so that you are not invaded by sin as he was." --Sir Bevier, "The Sapphire Rose" (not the exact quote--maybe a word or two off, but you get the idea)

take you in :: spit you out