
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


8:59 a.m.
Avi Clark, Jedi Master and Podracer Extraordinaire

Oh, yesterday was tons of fun. We got Chinese food, I got a new book and some lemon drops, and we watched Star Wars! The deleted scenes were most fun, and we got to see how many of them were made, which was keen. My favourite one was where they introduced all of the podracers at the Boonta Eve race. That was fun. Everything was keen--even sleeping on Sarah's couch. It is comfy and warm. AND I got a ride into the train as opposed to walking and taking the bus--most fun.

We decided that, even though I'm a Jedi Master now (score!), I'm going to be a Podracer on the side. I will be the Queen of the Malestare (sp) tracks, and will have won so much monies that I will have a keen house on Naboo in Theed, a spiffy pad in Coruscant (sp), and maybe a hovel or something on Tatooine. But the first two are a definite. Sarah is going to accidentally free all the slaves on Tatooine, and will have to beat them off with a stick to keep them from thronging her and singing her praises. It will be funny, I assure you. Alex will dig my digs in Theed, especially since, as my apprentice, she will spend much time there. But enough of this.

I should be in math class right now, but I left my book in Evanston, and I couldn't hardly go to class without my book with my homework in it, could I? I personally don't mind--we're doing slope-intercept, for Christ's sake, and I think that even an idiot like me can understand that--and it gives me more time to do things I need to do--like type my essay for English.

Speaking of, I have a conference with my English teacher in roughly forty-five minutes. Nothing serious, just deciding which of my two previous essays I'm going to revise. I'm thinking the first one I did, for there were actual mistakes in the first one, whereas the second had very little, sans, like, literally one comment made by the teacher on my insertion of quotations. Bah I say.

That is the word of the day, by the way--bah.

Have a jazzy evening--I sure will. I'll be at the famous Andy's Jazz Club for my music class around 5:30. I'm not looking forward to having to take the train back to Evanston this evening. Bah again on that. But I get a good dinner, and the music will be fun, even for a non-jazzy person like myself. Adieu.

Quote for the Day: "The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. Now go away." --Qui-Gon Jinn, "Episode I"

take you in :: spit you out