
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


1:33 p.m.
Time Killer

I dislike school computers for one reason only--their times are always at least ten minutes off. In actuality, it's 1:45. So there.

I have another fifteen or so minutes to kill before I go catch the train to go see my aunt and gramma. It turns out that the part of the arm that is broken is the part that joins up with the shoulder. But the option of surgery came up again, and they politely declined, for it would take just as much time for the arm to heal itself than it would if they did surgery on it. And no one wants her to deal with the psychological sides of having surgery. So she goes back next week to cast it, I guess, and that's that. I was told that she's feeling better, and is going to the audiologist today to check on the hearing, so I might actually get to talk to her today. We shall see.

I got an A on my math midterm! I'm also getting B+'s on my English things, which I can easily bring up to A's. My Anthro, however, I get back tomorrow...which I'm kind of dreading. The best I can hope for even with a curve is a C. But that's not too shabby, at least by my account.

Tomorrow is Limited Edition Star Wars Episode I DVD day! I simply cannot wait! We may also have a pseudo-Kevin Smith Day. All are welcome (well, within reason, of course--I can't be inviting EVERYONE to Sarah's house--I think she's getting sick of it).

I hope my seniors are enjoying their day off in whatever ways they saw fit. Watching Disney or anime are two wonderful ways of doing so. Enjoy.

I'm slowly but surely coming out of my writer's block. I added some more to one of my Lord of the Rings fan fics, and a bit more to my original song fic. Let us hope that this trend continues.

I think I'm going to be on my merry way. There are a few more things I want to take care of before leaving for Pilsen. Like maybe catching up on my Anthro work so that I'm not so lost on the next exam--El Final ::insert ominous music here::

Have a wonderful day!

Quote for the Day: "Oh, please don't get drunk at one of the parties held for me. But seeing as it's the day of the birth of Christ, you can get drunk." --me, on a comment made by Sarah

take you in :: spit you out