
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


12:55 p.m.
Sleepiness and Crankiness, mostly


But that's what I get for staying up until 1 AM doing homework and other nonsense, knowing full well that I had to get up by 6 AM to go to school. Well, I didn't fall asleep until about 2 AM and woke up at 6, so yeah. Four fucking hours of sleep to run on. I don't think so. I'm napping ASAP.

It's also cold and dreary, and my scarf was dirty, so I was colder than I should have been 'cause I didn't wear it. This is the downside to Chicago autumns. They're never nice for very long--they get all cold and shiznit, and then people get all cold and dreary and shiznit with it. Sigh.

Kate found all the words to the Monkey Song! Can you guess what I'm going to be singing all day?

I am also cranky, but I'm getting out of said crankiness...especially when I yell at Sarah for ditching out on me for lunch! Muah ha ha (to quote Alex). But, of course, I won't stay mad at her for long, because I can't stay mad at anyone for long. I'm a weiner that way.

I started the Hobbit on the train this morning. It is most fun. And I'm also rereading Pawn of Prophecy by Eddings (borrowed from my father). On Wednesday when Sarah and I go to Ridge to get the Episode 1 thingy, I'm going to stop at Waldenbooks to get my dad the last book of the last trilogy of Eddings's and probably get me a copy of the Diamond Knight, the only copy of the Elenium that I couldn't find there. If not that, then I shall buy a paperback of House Atreides--I'd like to have that around for some fun times. A journal will be nice, too...we'll see how much I can get for $25 (thank God for gift cards).

One of these days I should post a list of (in my opinion) the greatest books ever. That, along with the list of fictional guys I adore that Sarah and I have been meaning to make for some time. We'll see what the future holds.

The Bears are 3-1!! I am most pleased, being the die-hard Bears fan that I am. And for the last time, it is NOT the apocalypse simply because the Bears are winning! They've won (extensively) before! You all can slag off and not enjoy it in the slightest.

Yeah, I'm cranky.

Quote for the Day: "Mistle-mold!" --Kate

take you in :: spit you out