
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


2:14 p.m.
Not What I Needed to Hear

Okay, so you know how I stopped my entry in case my dad was trying to call? Well, he wasn't. He was at the hospital.

He's okay, don't worry. I seriously think my father is not only immortal, but indestructable as well. But my gramma--his mother--fell in the house in the morning, and called him at work. So he came home, and she said she hurt her arm. So he and gramma's friend (her name is Lovey--isn't that cute?) took her to the hospital--much against her desire--and found that she had fractured her humerus (see? I remember something from Anatomy) and dislocated her arm. They couldn't fix it last night without breaking the arm further, so they have to do surgery today or tomorrow. But the most annoying part was the time it took to get all this done. It took them twenty minutes just to get a wheelchair to get her into the hospital. Then, it took an hour and a half each to get a nurse, doctor, x-ray, the doctor to see the x-ray, and for them to call the surgery guy (I can't think of what he's called) to finally tell them what was going on. She's there right now, and my dad and Lovey got back from the hospital around 9 PM last night--after getting to the hospital at 11 AM. He was not happy. Also, my aunt from Texas who wasn't going to come up until next weekend for Gramma's birthday is now coming up this weekend, since she hurt herself. This is going to be an interesting couple of days. Prayer will be key.

Kate's home this weekend! We've all been waiting for this since the last time she was in, because now it's her weekend, not anyone else's, damn it. After I finish this entry, I'm going to give her house a call and see if she's in yet. We shall see. Kate, I love you!

Rehearsal went okay last night. We got through everything I wanted to and more (sans the entr'acte--we'll do that another time) and I had little or no complaints. I feel bad for Sue, Alex, and Maureen. Maureen was sick (and sick as anything, so I was told), Alex is just sick of things, and Sue had a lot on her mind. I hope everything turns out well for all of them. I hate seeing two of my close friends unhappy. It makes me sad.

But I watched Boy Meets World today, and I have a funny quote to cheer us all up!

Quote for the Day: "That's how it starts. We get married, have children, and I eat them!" --Corey Matthews

take you in :: spit you out