
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


2:22 p.m.
Natural Gas and Rainy Me No Likey

I keep listening and listening to the Emperor's New Groove soundtrack. I love all of the music--especially the three songs that aren't in the movie: "My Funny Friend and Me" (which I know is in the credits--that doesn't count), "Snuff Out the Light", the Yzma song they cut, and "One Day She'll Love Me", a bonus track by Sting and Shawn Colvin that is absolutely gorgeous and fun to sing. I'm so glad Hans hasn't been here--he would have been driven crazy. Actually, Yzma's song is on now. Fun stuff.

It was raining like a mother when I left this morning, and, of course, I missed the bus by, like, two seconds, and it didn't stop. Stupid early bus driver. No, I didn't have to get to school early. I'll just go to both of my classes unprepared, thank you. Luckily, I caught the next earliest train by the skin of my teeth, so I did get the work done that I needed to, so that wasn't too bad. But I was wet and cold and pissy, so that didn't help.

Going to lunch with Sarah did, especially after sitting in a room for an hour that had a supposed gas leak in it. They started checking it in the middle of our English class, but weren't certain if it was even a gas leak or not. But let me tell you, everything that Sarah said or did was funny as hell to me, so I think that pretty much says it all about the gas leak. She wrote a funny waffle story, and showed me some legos, and we talked about just shit in general. Very refreshing and fun, it was.

As we sat there, we came to the realization that I haven't been sick yet this school year. I've thought I was getting sick constantly, but I haven't been "sick" yet, which is wonderful, and also means that I'll get the Martian Death Flu on opening night of Sound of Music or some equally important thing that I can't miss, like Christmas Concert, my camping trip, or the Thanksgiving mass. Let's all start to hope and/or pray now that that doesn't happen, because I'm sure no one wants to hear detailed descriptions of exactly how I feel when I'm sick. Only my closest friends have ever truly heard that, and I feel bad for them.

My dad is probably trying to call--I left him a message at work about ten mintues ago, and I've been kicked offline twice already...that might be a hint.

Quote for the Day: "Who would the angels send but that unlikely blend of those two funny friends...that's us." --Sting, My Funny Friend and Me

take you in :: spit you out