
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


10:15 a.m.
Short but Long

There may be more later, but there may not be.

My last entry was my fiftieth entry! Huzzahs all around!

I slept for three hours last night. BLAH.

I took a math midterm today. I didn't get a perfect score (I don't think) but I at least got in the 85-95 range, so I am most pleased.

I'm becoming obsessed with Frutopia Berry Lemonade in the morning--only. I can't drink it any other time. I don't understand why--it certainly doesn't wake me up the way Pepsi does, but it also doesn't hurt my teeth the way Pepsi does. I don't know. The stuff rules, though, and it makes me feel all nice inside.

I ran into Dan Frank on the train today--weird. It turned out we were both running late today, and just happened to get on the same purple line run. Nice. See, the thing is, though, Dan was running late because he got up late. I was running late because, although my mother doesn't start work until 8:30 this week, I have to be in class by 8:30, and I had a bunch of stuff to do beforehand--like study for aforementioned midterm. Therefore, Abby = not happy. But anyway.

Oh, and for all Harry Potter fans--BUY VANITY FAIR MAGAZINE. There's an AMAZING spread for the movie in there, with awesome pictures from the movie of the main characters on the actual sets. I recommend the Quidditch picture (Lex, Gred and Forge are HOT) and, if you're anything like me, the one of ALAN RICKMAN as Snape--the look on his face in that shot is SO Snape, it's frightening. Everything else is so wonderful, though, so I recommend getting it ASAP. I read it at my local library, and when I saw the Alan Rickman pic, I had to go buy it. But that's my recommended reading of the day.

That, and, of course, the four Harry Potter books and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Can't forget where my heart lies reading-wise lately.

I'm about to be late for my next class, so I guess I wrote a lot more than I wanted to. But seeing as I probably won't be online at all today, it all works out.

Quote for the Day: "Why does she always put letters on our sweaters?" "Yeah, everybody knows that I'm Gred and he's Forge." --The Weasley twins, Fred and George, "Sorcerer's Stone" (I hope--I need to reread that ASAP)

take you in :: spit you out