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rings a-m
rings n-z


4:40 p.m.
One Small Step

Okay, so she takes a step into the world of (crappy) programming. I played with the HTML, and look what happened! I am now a diaryring member and I have a guestbook! Yeah, like it is going to make much difference anyway... Well, at least I had fun. I have no idea what I'm going to do with all of this new fun-ness.

So I ditched my anthropology class today. I woke up late, and decided to fuck it. I felt kinda bad, because I was sitting in the little coffee shop across the street from the building my class was in, and I hurried away from there about two minutes before the class was going to end so that when my professor came out, he wouldn't see me. I'm still stuck in McAuley mode, where ditching = saturday jug. But hey, I never got caught that time I ditched Chemistry (ha, ha Mrs. Jana) and I'm not going to have to serve a Saturday detention in college. I just didn't feel like going to the stupid class, and I didn't have any of the work that was due today done anyway, so I did the English that was due for the next class, and am going to be doing the Anthropology that I didn't finish if I ever get off the internet. Ha, ha. I also have to do some laundry, do the dishes, clean my room, and do a few other menial tasks--like watch the Simpsons. Hee, hee.

I have midterms this week. Math on Thursday (which I will pass) and Anthro on Friday (which I hope I will pass--I just can't seem to retain that stuff), as well as a paper due for English that will count as a midterm, and a project due next week for music that will count as a midterm as well. Speaking of which, maybe I should talk to the rest of the people in my group about how the fuck this hour-long project is going to be organized. One of the guys in our group kind of took over everything, and printed out stuff for everyone to do, even though Janet and I did our own work and came up to campus especially to do it--she commutes from Oak Lawn, and me from Evanston. I hate to start the quarter off badly with people I hardly know, but this is not the way to work. It's situations like these that make me almost miss being in an all-girls school.

I'm gonna go watch the Lord of the Rings trailer again before I leave. I can't get enough of Aragorn's voice!

I should call Kevin tonight, to let him know about Wednesday...nah.

Jim's supposed to call. I hope he does.

I am hungry again. Wish I had some more scones. Mmm...scones...

Quote for the Day: "Where's the stuff, Planky? Fess up!" --Eddy, "The Ed-Touchables"

take you in :: spit you out